Our parliamentary work

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EFSA jeopardises public confidence

Unsurprisingly, after a preliminary negative opinion, EFSA has now rejected once more the conclusions of the Séralini et al. study on the long term health impacts of GM maize NK603 and its associated herbicide, Round-up. This new opinion, written by the same scientists that had been criticised fo...
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Press release |

EU banking supervision legislation

The European Parliament's economic and monetary affairs committee today voted on two new EU legislative proposals providing for a supervisory system for European banks. Following the vote, Green finance spokesperson Sven Giegold, who is draftsperson/rapporteur for the EP on the European Banking Auth...
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Press release |

Financial transaction tax

The European Parliament's economic and monetary affairs committee today voted to approve proposals for the launch of an enhanced cooperation procedure, with a view to introducing a financial transaction tax for an initial group of 11 EU member states (1). After the vote, Green economic and finance s...
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Video |

Living under occupation

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Press release |

Credit rating agencies

European Parliament and Council negotiators reached an agreement last night on new EU rules on credit rating agencies. The Greens believe the new rules represent another step forward for regulating this influential sector but regretted it was not possible to achieve more ambitions provisions change ...
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Press release |

Horizon 2020

The European Parliament's industry and research committee today adopted its position on Horizon 2020, the EU's framework programme for research and innovation from 2014-20 (1). Commenting after the vote, Green research and innovation spokesperson Philippe Lamberts (MEP, Belgium) said: "Today's ...
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Video |

Vote on Eurosur

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Video |

Farmers protest in front of the European Parliament

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EFA logo
EFA logo
Press release |

New EU Rights for Victims of Crime

Scots MEP Alyn Smith has this week [Monday] hosted a conference in the European Parliament in Brussels highlighting the importance of Victims’ rights. The conference comes on the back of a new directive to Member States from the EU – which was published week and set on best practise in...
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News |

Farmers protest in front of the European Parliament