Our parliamentary work

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Press release |


Commenting on today’s debate on the situation in Ukraine and the relations to the newly elected Verkhovna Rada, Greens foreign affairs spokesperson Werner Schulz said: “The broad consensus in the European Parliament and Council to retain the course of rapprochement between the European Union and...
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News |

Greens congratulate Sotoudeh and Panahi for Sakharov Prize

Representataives of Iranian lawyer and human rights advocate Nasrin Sotoudeh and Iranian film director, screenwriter and film editor Jafar Panahi accepted the "Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought" in the European parliament today. Nasrin Sotoudeh and Jafar Panahi are an example for al...
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Press release |

Airports and noise

The European Parliament today voted on EU legislation dealing with airports, including noise and ground-handling. The Greens welcomed the vote to reject the proposed liberalisation of ground-handling services but regretted the decision to refer the proposal back to the EP's transport committee. The ...
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Press release |

Financial transaction tax

The European Parliament today voted to approve proposals for the launch of an enhanced cooperation procedure, with a view to introducing a financial transaction tax for an initial group of 11 EU member states (1). After the vote, Green economic affairs spokesperson Emilie Turunen (MEP, Denmark) stat...
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Press release |

Animal transport

The European Parliament today adopted a report calling for EU rules on animal transport to be strengthened. The Greens welcomed the vote but expressed regret that a majority of MEPs failed to clearly back calls for an 8-hour limit on transport times. After the vote, Green animal welfare spokesperson...
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Press release |

EU budget 2012/13

The European Parliament has voted to endorse an agreement on the EU's 2013 budget and provisions to partially cover shortfalls under the 2012 budget. The Greens have criticised the deal for failing to bridge the shortfalls under the 2012 budget (1) and continuing the trend of under-budgeting for 201...
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Video |

Fundamental rights in the EU

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Video |

Animal protection during transport

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Video |

Noise related operation in airports

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Video |

EU Budget 2012-2013