Our parliamentary work

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Press release |

EU must take responsibility of its own security

Today, the European Parliament is expected to adopt a resolution on the white paper on the future of European defence and to underline the EU’s unwavering support for Ukraine. The Greens/EFA Group welcomes initiatives such as ReArm Europe, but insists on EU member states finally working closer together on security and defence. EU countrie…
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Press release |

EFA MEPs Oppose EU Rearmament Plan

Today, MEPs from the European Free Alliance (EFA) Group voted against the European Commission's latest proposal to ramp up military spending and rearm the EU.
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Publication |

Heads of national delegations in the GREENS/EFA Group

Greens/EFA now includes members of Green movements, Pirate and Independent MEPs, as well as MEPs from the European Free Alliance (EFA) representing stateless nations, regions and minorities, standing up for the right to self-determination.
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Press release |

EFA MEPs Condemn Spain’s Democratic Violations in the EU

The European Parliament today voted on a report concerning the verification of MEPs' credentials. MEPs receive their credentials from the European Parliament following notification by each Member State of the full election results, specifying the names of elected candidates and their substitutes.
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Photo by Jakob Owens on Unsplash
Press release |

Commission proposal panders to populism over responsible & pragmatic migration policies

Today, the European Commission has just released its proposal for a new regulation moving towards a common system for the processing of ‘returns’ or deportations of migrants to third countries. The reforms move from voluntary to forced deportations by default, open the door to so-called “return hubs” in third-countries and risks undermini…
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©Paul Schulze (CC BY 2.0)
Beech Forst in Brandenburg/Germany
Press release |

We need more science and less fairy tales

The European Commission has just (Friday 7 March) proposed lowering the protection status of the wolf in the Habitats Directive.
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European Parliament Strasbourg
News |

PLENARY FLASH: 10-13 March

GREENS/EFA priorities for the plenary session are security & Ukraine, migration, the Clean Industrial Deal, frozen Russian assets, the just transition and reconstruction in Syria and much more.
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Copyright: European Union
European Council red carpet and flags
Press release |

European leaders must deliver bold action on Ukraine, defence & security

Today, European leaders are meeting for the European Council summit in Brussels to discuss the global security situation and Ukraine.
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Photo by Алесь Усцінаў :
Press release |

Ukraine/Military aid: Quote from MEP Mārtiņš Staķis

MEP Mārtiņš Staķis from Latvia, Greens/EFA Coordinator in the Committee on Security and Defence (SEDE), comments on the suspension of US military aid to Ukraine
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Press release |

Clean Industrial Deal first step into a joint industrial future for Europe

Today, the European Commission presented its Clean Industrial Deal and an Action Plan for Affordable Energy. The Clean Industrial Deal is the European Commission's strategy to make European industries climate-neutral and competitive. The action plan aims to reduce electricity and energy prices for industry and consumers. We must ensure th…
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