Our parliamentary work

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Free Trade Agreements and human rights

In its meeting today, the European Parliament's Development Committee rejected the Interim Economic Partnership Agreement between Eastern and Southern African States and the EU. This vote is a clear signal against the EU's trade policy at the expense of ACP countries' development agenda. In her ...
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Press release |

Tax avoidance and fraud

The European Commission today presented an action plan for dealing with tax evasion and fraud in Europe. The Greens have long called for greater action to address the problem of tax avoidance in Europe and welcomed the Commission's initiative, which was a response to a Green initiated EP demand. How...
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Press release |

Intellectual property and genetic resources

The European Parliament's development committee today adopted a report by Green rapporteur/draftsperson Catherine Grèze on the intellectual property rights of genetic resources in developing countries. Commenting after the vote Catherine Grèze said: "Biopiracy is a major problem in developing...
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Video |

Cop 18 - Doha

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So much hot air about hot air

The 'hot air' issue has been under discussion for several years but yet the EU is still uncapable of agreeing on cancelling those surplus emission permits. The Greens/EFA urge EU members states to do this quickly in order for the EU to be able to play a leading role at the COP18 and ensure that this internal split does not derail what is …
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Press release |

Youth employment

The European Commission today proposed an EU Youth Employment Package, including a youth guarantee scheme and a communication on promoting youth employment. The Greens have been strongly pushing for EU measures to address the high levels of youth unemployment in Europe and have been advocating a you...
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Video |

Bloggers For Democracy: Conference - Panel 1

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Video |

COP 18 - DOHA - Burst Kyoto's hot air bubble!

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From mitigation and adaptation to loss and damage

Day 9. COP18. Ministers and some heads of state have now arrived and the high-level segment of the conference has started. The Greens/EFA encourage the EU leaders to come with concrete action and clear financial pledges so Europe can show to the most vulnerable countries that it is serious about its promises.
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Press release |

EU budget

A draft agreement on the EU's 2013 budget and provisions to cover shortfalls under the 2012 budget looks set to be endorsed, following an indicative vote in the European Parliament's budget committee. The agreement will now be voted by both the European Parliament and Council. The Greens have critic...