Our parliamentary work

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Press release |

Border surveillance (Eurosur)

The European Parliament's civil liberties committee today voted on plans for a new border surveillance system (Eurosur), aimed at tightening border controls. The committee endorsed Green proposals to ensure the mandate of Eurosur includes humanitarian concerns but the broad thrust of the proposals r...
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News |

Bloggers for democracy

The Arab Spring was initiated by a new generation of activists and engaged citizens, who came together on the internet in platforms and social networks such as Facebook, Twitter and many other blogs searching for information and exchanging views. Their spontaneous and extremely rapidly organised...
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Press release |

EU trade agreement

The European Parliament's trade committee today voted to endorse draft EU free trade agreement with Colombia and Peru (1). The Greens have criticised the agreement and voted against giving consent. After the vote, Green trade spokesperson Ska Keller said: "Despite serious concerns having been r...
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Press release |


Eurozone finance ministers yesterday evening belatedly agreed to the release of bail out funds for Greece. Commenting on the announcement, Greens/EFA co-presidents Rebecca Harms and Dany Cohn-Bendit stated: "While it is to be welcomed that Euro finance ministers have finally signed off on the r...
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Video |

50/50 Campaign

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Greens/EFA Round-up

Greens/EFA priorities for the Strasbourg Plenary included the reports on the EU's economic and monetary union, rules for marketing agricultural products, shale gas, enforcing EU law, future EU budget, vote on new EU commission candidate, situation in Gaza, UN climate talks and the EU position, banning shark finning, the external dimension…
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News |

Brussels agenda

Greens/EFA priorities for the week include humanitarian aspects of border control, rejecting the EU-Colombia/Peru free trade agreements, funding European research and innovation, limiting hazardous substances in water, the EU budget, financial transaction tax, EU banking supervision, the euro crisis, promoting European economic recovery
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Press release |

EU budget

The much anticipated budget summit on the EU's multiannual financial framework ended without final agreement but with EU leaders moving towards changes in the overall size and make-up of the budget proposals. The Greens hit out at the “progress”, which not only cuts the ambition of the EU budget...
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News |

Astroturfing in the EP

This week's plenary session in Strasbourg came to and end with questions hanging over the presence of the shale gas industry outside where MEPs vote. Posing as civil society before crucial votes took place on fracking Wednesday, this dishonest industry lobbying was in stark contrast to the real gras...
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Video |

Stop fracking!