Our parliamentary work

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Press release |

UN climate summit

Commenting on outcome of the UN climate summit in Doha (COP18), Green climate spokesperson Satu Hassi, who was part of the official European Parliament delegation to the talks, said:  "The UN climate process is continuing to sleepwalk towards runaway climate change. Another UN climate sum...
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News |

Doha COP18: game nearly over?

It is seems like it is becoming a trend: Like COP17 in Durban, the climate talks went through the night and will certainly continue for some hours before the final plenary takes place... If the final agreement is far from being reached yet, the enormous lack of ambition is already very clear...
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News |

Different planets in Doha

Green MEP Satu Hassi, official member of the Greens/EFA group in the delegation of the European Parliament in COP18, shares her personal impressions on the UN climate talks
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Video |

Global climate justice!

Last day of COP18! The Greens/EFA group has asked several people in the conference center what they would like to tell to the climate negotiators. "Global climate justice!"
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News |

Strasbourg Flash

Greens/EFA priorities for the Strasbourg Plenary include the EU budget 2012-2013, the controversial EU-Latin American free trade agreement, wrongheaded EU patent system, airport noise and working conditions, Financial transaction tax, animal transport and welfare, addressing fundamental rights in the EU, EU summit and the continuing crisi…
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Publication |

Call for a progressive agenda on creation and innovation

Send us your input and contribute to the building of a progressive agenda! After the rejection of ACTA, Greens/EFA want to protect the users of the Internet and their fundamental rights, but also have the ambition to tackle issues related to the way society is organized. Creation and innovation depend on how knowledge and information are…
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Video |

Cop 18 - Doha

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Publication |

The true costs of automobility

Car use creates benefits for the users. Naturally there are also costs for car mobility: obvious costs but also less obvious ones, such as costs arising from noise and pollution. The study commissioned by the Greens/EFA estimates the magnitude of these hidden costs of car mobility and the ways in which these costs are currently being fin…
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News |

COP17 - 'No more delays, no more excuses'

Doha, COP18, day 10. Things are still progressing at snail's pace on the future Kyoto Protocol and on the two other LCA and ADP tracks. With only a day and a half left before the UN talks resume the Greens/EFA group urges the EU to stop procrastinating and show real leadership.
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News |

Free Trade Agreements and human rights

In its meeting today, the European Parliament's Development Committee rejected the Interim Economic Partnership Agreement between Eastern and Southern African States and the EU. This vote is a clear signal against the EU's trade policy at the expense of ACP countries' development agenda. In her ...