Our parliamentary work

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GMOs and food safety

Concerned by the health implications arising from the only life-long GMO feeding study on rats and the immediate trashing of the study from industry-influenced scientists, a number of MEPs, under the initiative of Green MEP Michèle Rivasi, have written an open letter to the Commission asking ...
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Press release |

EU energy market

The European Commission will today publish its communication on the European internal energy market. The Greens hit out at the communication, which fails to address the unfair support for coal and nuclear power, and seeks to undermine renewable energy sources. Commenting on the communication, Green ...
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Publication |

Towards the end of oil

The European Union faces one of its greatest ever challenges: preparing for a post-oil society Oil enabled Europe to become one of the richest economies on the planet. Our continent is the world's second largest consumer of oil, yet its oil production has halved since 1999. Today it only meets 13% of its needs, and soon the European Unio…
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Publication |

For a progressive agenda for innovation and creation

Send your input by filling the form [Important preliminary note:the views expressed in this document do not reflect the Greens/EFA position but the one of the authors of the respective submissions] We publish here the responses to the call launched in July 2012. We would like to say a great than...
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News |

Rally against austerity

Europe itself is not the problem; it is the choices that have been made. Strengthening the union is essential but it will only succeed if we refocus and commit ourselves to a recovery rather than austerity, to solidarity, and build a more social and democratic Europe. Only then can it face the economic and environmental challenges
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Press release |

Commission nominee

Commenting on the hearing of Commission nominee Tonio Borg and his candidacy, Greens/EFA co-presidents Rebecca Harms and Dany Cohn-Bendit said: “While Mr Borg demonstrated reasonable knowledge of most files in his prospective portfolio, the Greens/EFA group has concerns about his persona...
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Press release |

Emissions trading scheme

The European Commission today adopted its Carbon Market Report, including options for changing aspects of the EU's emissions trading scheme with a view to tackling the problems that are undermining the scheme. While the report outlines which steps could be taken, the lack of concrete legislative pro...
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Press release |

Boardroom quotas for women

The European Commission today presented a proposal aimed at introducing an EU quota for a 40% representation of women on advisory boards. The Greens welcomed the much anticipated proposal as a first step, whilst highlighting the need to strengthen a number of provisions. Commenting on the proposals,...
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Video |

Tonio Borg - candidate for EU Commissioner

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Publication |


Greens/EFA argue for a life-course approach to pension policy. A life-course approach takes into account the whole career along a life-course, it takes into account career interruptions and changes. A life-course approach is flexible enough to adapt to individuals and if it is well-managed it can provide for financial sustainability of pu…