Our parliamentary work

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Press release |

Car industry 2020

The EU Commission today presented its CARS2020 action plan on the future of the European car industry to 2020 (1), setting out policy measures. Commenting in the communication, Greens/EFA vice-president and industrial policy spokesperson Reinhard Bütikofer said: "The coming years will be defin...
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News |

Climate campaign newsletter

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Press release |

EU globalisation adjustment fund

The European Parliament's employment and social affairs committee today voted on proposals to adapt the EU's globalisation adjustment fund (1), with a view to continuing the fund in next EU budgetary period (from 2014-20). The Greens welcomed the outcome of the vote, with MEPs redressing some proble...
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Press release |

Airports and noise

The European Parliament's transport committee today voted on EU legislation dealing with airports, including noise and ground-handling. The Greens welcomed the vote to reject the proposed liberalisation of ground-handling services. However, the group regrets the priority given to expanding airport c...
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News |

UN climate talks

From 26 November - 7 December 2012, the 18th Conference of the Parties (COP 18) to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) will be held in Doha, Qatar. The Environment Committee has prepared a draft motion for a resolution, which will be voted in this morning...
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Press release |

ECB executive board

The expected appointment of Yves Mersch to the executive board of the European Central Bank by Eurozone governments, using a written procedure with no debate, has been blocked after at least one EU member state raised concerns with the procedure. The Greens had criticised plans to use this untranspa...
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Press release |

Ukraine elections

International election observers are continuing to reveal irregularities during the recent parliamentary elections in Ukraine. Against the background of irregularities, fraud and result manipulation, and the consequent threat from opposition groups to boycott the new legislature, Greens/EFA co-presi...
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Press release |

Kosovo (EULEX)

Commenting on a recent report of European Court of Auditors, which raised concerns about EU's legal mission in Kosovo (EULEX), Green spokesperson on foreign affairs and EP draftsperson/rapporteur for Kosovo Ulrike Lunacek, who just returned from a European Parliament delegation to Kosovo said: "...
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Press release |

ECB executive board

Governments from Eurozone member states are expected to confirm the appointment of Yves Mersch to the executive board of the European Central Bank on Monday, ignoring a vote of the European Parliament (1). Commenting on the situation, Greens/EFA co-president Rebecca Harms stated: “Bulldozing throu...
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News |

Brussels agenda

Greens/EFA priorities for the week include the EU position at UN climate talks, protecting endangered cod in the Baltic, limiting airport noise pollution, the car industry and CO2 emissions, the future EU budget 2014-20, the Greek crisis - Green solutions, and the food crisis and the role of agroecology