Our parliamentary work

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Press release |

Environment and waste

The European Commission today presented a green paper on plastic waste but legislation aimed at clamping down on one-use plastic bags, which was meant to accompany it, has unfortunately been delayed. Commenting in the context of the presentation of the green paper and a Greens/EFA group conference o...
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Video |

GMO-free labelling of food products

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Video |

GMO-free labelling of food products

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Publication |


What's the ETS?, What's wrong with it? What do you mean by carbon fat cats? "backloading"? How much do you know about the EU carbon market? Find out everything you need to know about it in this very nice Green Guide to the EU ETS!
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Press release |

Abuse of power in Ukraine

Rebecca Harms, Co-Chair of the Greens/EFA group in the European Parliament is following the development of the possible revoking today in Kiev of parliamentary deputy Sergei Vlasenko's mandate. Vlasenko is legal adviser to Yulia Tymoshenko and is also a Member of the Ukrainian Parliament. The court ...
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News |

Get Women on Board

Action at EU level needed The voluntary approach has unfortunately failed. In spite of all the lip service, women are still grossly under-represented on the boards of large European companies. Despite 60% of university graduates in the EU being women, their presence in the highest decision-making...
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Publication |

A day in Fukushima - A week in Japan

Accompanied by two Japanese anti-nuclear activists, her policy adviser Silke Malorny and the former head of the Bulgarian Nuclear Regulatory Agency, Gueorgui Kastchiev, Rebecca Harms went on a lecture and research tour to Tokyo, Osaka, Matsuyama City, Yokohama and Fukushima. Based on her notes from ...
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News |

Brussels Agenda

Greens/EFA priorities for the week include EU bank capital rules, banker bonuses and account transparency, CAP reform: assessment ahead of the vote, GMO-free labelling and animal feed, Fukushima two years on, Zero waste: beyond recycling conference and film screening with Jeremy Irons, Boardroom quotas for women
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News |

GMO-free labelling

Food products that contain GMOs must be labelled in the EU. But this obligation has not been imposed on animal products from animals that have been fed with GMOs. The consequence of this legal vacuum is that the food industry imports millions of tonnes of GMOs to feed EU animals without any inform...
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Publication |

Time has come for a fairer CAP

Subsidies should be distributed more fairly among the 27 member states and between farmers within each state. One of the main ways in which this could be is by limiting the amount of aid that a farmer can receive. Such a proposal would allow for a far more equitable distribution of public funds to support family farms and small and medium…