Our parliamentary work

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News |

Brussels Agenda

Greens/EFA priorities for the week include aviation and the emissions trading scheme, ship recycling and EU rules, EU climate and energy policy to 2030, the World Social Forum, Document freedom day, prisoners as the key to the Basque peace process
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Going Tunis

From 26th to 30th of March 2013, the World Social Forum will take place for the first time in the Arab world. Twelve years ago, the Southern Brazilian city of Porto Alegre hosted this completely unprecedented event with the slogan "Another World is possible". It attracted more than 12,00...
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Press release |

Media freedom and pluralism

The European Commission today announced the launch of public consultations on media freedom and pluralism and EU legislation, following on from the recommendations of its high-level group. The Greens welcomed the consultation, with Greens/EFA co-president Rebecca Harms stating:  "Today's ...
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Video |

Earth Hour 2013

The initiative 'Earth Hour' launched by the NGO WWF attracts a growing number of participants each year. This year, the European Parliament will once again commit to turn off all its lights on Saturday 23rd March from 20.30 to 21.30 to raise awareness about the importance of energy saving. The Greens urge the EU Parliament and the other E…
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EFA logo
EFA logo
Press release |

One language dies every two weeks

One language dies on average every two weeks somewhere on earth. That was the shocking statistic revealed in an expert seminar hosted at the European Parliament this week by Corsican MEP François Alfonsi in preparation for his report on "Endangered European languages ​​and linguistic ...
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News |

Smash Smart Borders!

Die Grünen Europaabgeordneten Ska Keller und Jan Philipp Albrecht haben heute die Protestfotos der Aktion "Smash Smart Borders" an die EU-Innenkommissarin Cecilia Malmström übergeben. Grüne und AktivistInnen aus Deutschland und ganz Europa haben sich mit einem Smash-Foto an der Aktion beteiligt, um gegen die Aufrüstung Europas zur elektro…
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News |

10 days for a pesticide-free spring!

The Pesticide Action Week is an annual international event open to all and aiming to promote alternatives to pesticides. It takes place from 20th to 30th March, the 10 first days of spring during which the spreading of pesticides resumes. The public is invited to get better informed about the he...
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Press release |

Transparency and lobbying

The Greens/EFA group today presented a draft mandate for a proposed special committee in the European Parliament to investigate the role of lobbying, notably tobacco lobbying, in the aftermath of the Dalligate scandal (1). The Greens/EFA group has already proposed the committee in the EP's conferenc...
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Press release |


Commenting on today's meeting between the Russian government and the European Commission, and the related debate on visa liberalisation for Russian officials, Green MEP and foreign policy spokesperson Werner Schulz said: "It is incomprehensible that the majority of EU governments has given in t...
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Press release |

Investment fund rules (UCITS)

The European Parliament's economic and monetary affairs committee today voted on proposals to revise EU legislation on investment funds (the UCITS directive), with a total sector value of almost €6.3 trillion in funds. The vote on the legislation, which is being shepherded through the European Par...