Our parliamentary work

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Video |

Stopping experiments on animals for cosmetics

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Press release |

Batteries and harmful substances

The European Parliament's environment committee today voted on proposals to revise EU legislation on batteries. The Greens welcomed the outcome of the vote, with environment and public health spokesperson Carl Schlyter stating: "Today's vote moves us a step closer to safer and more environment...
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Press release |

Neighbourhood policy

After today's presentation of the progress reports on Neighbourhood policy, Greens/EFA foreign affairs spokesperson Werner Schulz commented on the state of play of the Eastern Partnership (for Ukraine, Moldova, Belarus Azerbaijan, Armenia and Georgia):  "The progress reports show the wh...
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Publication |

Earth Hour 2013

The initiative 'Earth Hour' launched by the NGO WWF attracts a growing number of participants each year. This year, the European Parliament will once again commit to turn off all its lights on Saturday 23rd March from 20.30 to 21.30 to raise awareness about the importance of energy saving.
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Press release |

Renewable energy

The energy and industry committee today adopted a report setting out its position on renewable energy policy up to and beyond 2020. The report adopted by the committee was significantly improved from original drafts, notably underlining the importance of renewable energy and the need to pres...
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Press release |

EU banking union

An agreement on new EU legislation creating a European banking supervision mechanism was reached in negotiations between the European Parliament, Council and Commission today. The Greens welcomed the outcome on the two legislative files on banking supervision, with Green finance spokesperson Sven Gi...
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News |

GMO-free labelling

The conference has shown that the issue of GMO-free labelling has gained a lot of importance and momentum. There is a wide diversity of initiatives, actors, practices and rules that are being taken and need now to be promoted and harmonised in order to allow EU wide distribution and recognition of...
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Publication |

Flawed Reactor Pressure Vessels in Belgian Nuclear Plants Doel-3 and Tihange-2

An updated study on the fissures in Belgian nuclear reactors, which have led to the shutdown of reactors at Doel and Tihange, will be presented at this press conference. The operators of these nuclear power plants are currently carrying out additional tests on the reactors and have a deadline of end of March 2013 to present the results of…
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Press release |

Cyprus bail-out

Commenting on the proposed conditionality to the financial assistance for Cyprus by which depositors are being forced to contribute via a levy, Greens/EFA co-president Dany Cohn-Bendit stated: "The attack on ordinary depositors in the context of Cyprus' bail-out is outrageous and must be urgent...
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News |

The EU and the global arms trade

Despite the initial disappointment when UN members were unable to agree on an international Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) in July 2012, hopes are high for the new rounds of talks in New York starting on 18th March. Arms trade remains a legal grey area with very little international regulation and tra...