Our parliamentary work

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Press release |

EU-Ukraine summit

Commenting on today's EU-Ukraine summit in Brussels, Greens/EFA co-president Rebecca Harms said: "Ukraine's political leadership under president Yanukovych is consciously frittering away the chances for an association agreement. "Instead of finally strengthening the rule of law, the situa...
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Press release |

Horsemeat scandal

Ahead of today's council of EU agriculture ministers, who will discuss the ongoing horsemeat scandal, Green MEPs have set out their demands for EU-level action (1). The scandal has highlighted deficiencies with the procedures for verifying food quality, as well as shortcomings in EU legislation, n...
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Press release |

Eurozone fiscal policy

The European Commission today published its Winter Economic Forecast (1). The figures show that France met its structural deficit reduction target in 2012 and is expected to do so in 2013 (2). The Greens underlined that France should be applauded for its effort in meeting its targets, whilst questio...
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News |

Brussels Agenda

Greens/EFA priorities for the week include the horsemeat scandal and EU meat labelling rules, airline emissions and the EU emissions trading scheme, banking rules, capital requirements and remuneration, border control technology and civil liberties
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Press release |

Offshore oil and gas rules

A deal on draft EU rules on offshore oil and gas exploration was reached today in negotiations between the European Parliament, Council and Commission (1). The Greens expressed regret about the outcome, which will fail to provide for ambitious safety supervision and falls short in terms of provision...
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Video |

Horsemeat scandal

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Video |

Horsemeat scandal

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Video |

Horesemeat scandal tip of the ice-berg

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News |

EU-Regeln für Dienstleistungskonzessionen gefährden kommunale Daseinsvorsorge

EU-Regeln für Dienstleistungskonzessionen gefährden kommunale Daseinsvorsorge Besonders Wasser und Sozialdienstleistungen in Gefahr
array(7) { ["url"]=> string(67) "files/doc/imgs/list/1481900793_09e4327bc276bd8c82c538eb6a33c758.jpg" ["title"]=> NULL ["copyright"]=> NULL ["updated_at"]=> int(1481900793) ["file_name"]=> string(36) "09e4327bc276bd8c82c538eb6a33c758.jpg" ["urls"]=> array(4) { ["jumbo"]=> string(58) "" ["list"]=> string(57) "" ["photo"]=> string(58) "" ["portrait"]=> string(61) "" } ["alt"]=> NULL }
Press release |

Economic governance - 2 pack

Negotiators from the European Parliament, Council and Commission today reached agreement on key legislative proposals aimed at further strengthening economic governance in the Eurozone. The Greens welcomed the legal provisions increasing democratic oversight over countries under assistance as well a...