Our parliamentary work

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Press release |

EU emissions trading

The European Parliament's environment committee today voted to approve a proposal from the European Commission aimed at tackling the oversupply of emissions allowances in the EU's emissions trading scheme (1). The Greens welcomed the outcome of the vote and expressed hope the measure would be finali...
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News |

Greens call on ENVI MEPs to support Commission's proposal on EU ETS

Tomorrow the environment committee is to vote on whether to back a Commission plan to postpone the auctioning of 900 million CO2 allowances from the EU carbon market (so called 'backloading'). The Greens/EFA group calls on the ENVI MEPs to back the plan but warns that more changes will need to follow to ensure the efficiency of the scheme…
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News |

Brussels Agenda

Greens/EFA priorities for the week include the future EU budget, horsemeat scandal and EU meat labelling rules, Emissions trading, Strengthening EU economic governance, offshore oil and gas drilling and Social investment in Europe
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Publication |

For a GMO-free Europe

GMOs represent a global threat to environment, health, biodiversity and long-term food security. European citizens have a right to a GMO-free environment and food.
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Press release |

Financial transaction tax

The European Commission will today present legislative proposals for introducing a financial transaction tax (FTT) for an initial group of 11 EU member states (1). The Greens welcomed the basic architecture of the proposals and called on the member states to implement the FTT quickly and to ensure t...
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News |

Show Your Support for Fisheries Reform!

A revolution took place last week as the European Parliament voted for a radical overhaul of the EU fisheries policy with a stunning majority of 502 – 137. We got support for our key Green demands. The parliament said "no more of the old failed practices" and approved calls to:
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Press release |

Horsemeat scandal

In response to the deepening and widening scandal surrounding the discovery of horse DNA in processed meat products in a number of EU member states, the Greens/EFA group is calling on the European Commission and relevant regulatory agencies to take action. The group is pushing for an emergency heari...
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Video |

ArcelorMittal. Manifestation à Strasbourg

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News |

Greens/EFA Round-up

Greens/EFA priorities for the Strasbourg plenary week included the votes on the CFP reform, car/vehicle noise, EU rules protecting endangered species, the debate on the future EU budget,...
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Press release |

EU budget summit

Commenting on the compromise reached by EU heads of state and government on the future EU budget or financial framework (2014-20) at today's European Council, Greens/EFA co-president Dany Cohn-Bendit stated: "EU leaders simply lack the will to work together to achieve more in Europe. In their v...