Our parliamentary work

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Press release |


The European Parliament today endorsed a proposal to grant preferential trade access to Burma (under the generalised scheme of preferences) after a break of 16 years. The Greens criticised the decision, notably the absence of any conditions or time limits, in spite of the human rights situation in t...
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Press release |

EU-US trade negotiations

The European Parliament today adopted a resolution endorsing negotiations on an EU-US free trade agreement (1). The Greens expressed regret at the resolution, which ignores major concerns with the Commission's draft mandate, with trade spokesperson Yannick Jadot stating: "In giving the go-ahead...
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Press release |

Economic monetary union

The European Parliament today adopted a resolution on the future direction of the Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) (1). With proposals to give the European Commission ex-ante coordination of economic policy reforms in EU member and to introduce an instrument for convergence and competitiveness ...
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Video |

Clinical trials

The Greens believe there need to be clear and robust transparency requirements on clinical trials. It is no longer acceptable that pharmaceutical companies can withhold data from clinical studies on medicines for which they seek or have obtained authorisation. Clinical study reports should be made publicly accessible.
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Video |

EU trade and investment agreement negotiations with the US

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Press release |

EU summit

Commenting on outcome of today's summit of EU heads of state and government, Greens/EFA co-president Rebecca Harms stated: "This summit, which should have prioritised progress on long-overdue measures to tackle tax evasion and avoidance in the EU, has been overshadowed by the red herring of ene...
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News |

Die Grundrechte gelten für alle EU-Bürger, auch in Tschechien

Die Grundrechte der Europäischen Union sollen für alle Bürger in gleicher Weise gelten. Diesen Standpunkt hat das Europäische Parlament heute nahezu einstimmig bekräftigt. Es hat damit dem Rat widersprochen, der im Rahmen des Kroatien-Beitrittes eine Erklärung in die Europäischen Verträge au...
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Press release |

EU banking union

An agreement on new EU legislation creating a European banking supervision mechanism was given provisional approval by the European Parliament today but a final vote on the legislation was postponed until more clarity on the EP's scrutiny role is provided. Green finance spokesperson Sven Giegold, wh...
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Video |

Tax fraud and tax havens

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Video |

Supervising European banks