Our parliamentary work

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Video |

Preparations for the European Council meeting (27-28 June 2013)

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Video |

US Internet surveillance of EU citizens

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Video |

Preparations for the European Council meeting (27-28 June 2013)

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Press release |

Greek broadcaster shutdown

Reacting on the closure by the Greek government of the state broadcaster (ERT), Greens/EFA co-presidents Dany Cohn-Bendit and Rebecca Harms expressed their concern. The move comes ahead of a planned visit by the Green co-presidents to Greece and they announced their intention to visit ERT’s facili...
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Press release |

EU asylum database

The European Parliament today voted on legislation revising how the EURODAC database of asylum applicants' and refugees' fingerprints is managed. The vote took place as part of the adoption of the asylum package of legislation (1). The new EURODAC legislation includes controversial provisions allowi...
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Press release |

Accounting transparency rules

The European Parliament today adopted a final agreement on crucial new EU legislation on accounting and transparency. The Greens hailed the new legislation, which will ensure much greater transparency for extractive industries. However, the group stressed the need to swift action to implement the de...
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Press release |

Schengen border system

The European Parliament today adopted legislative agreements on two key files related to the EU’s Schengen border-free system, one on the reintroduction of border controls and one on the evaluation of Schengen. Commenting after the vote Greens/EFA border policy spokesperson Tatjana Ždanoka said: ...
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Press release |

Illegal fisheries

The European Parliament today approved a new rapid procedure for listing countries not cooperating in the fight against illegal, unregulated and unreported fishing (IUU). This clears the way for the Commission to add additional countries to the current list (1) and to publish the list of vessels inv...
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Press release |

Capital income information and tax evasion

The European Commission today set out a proposal to update EU rules on the automatic exchange of information, with a view to extending the system to include all kinds of capital income (1). The Greens welcomed the proposal, with economic affairs spokesperson Sven Giegold (DE) stating: "This pro...
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News |


Das Gerichtsurteil des Europäischen Gerichts vom vergangenen Freitag verheißt nichts Gutes. Die NGO Corporate Europe Observatory (CEO) reichte 2011 eine Klage gegen die EU ein wegen intransparenter Verhandlungsführung des Freihandelsabkommen der EU mit Indien – und wurde abgele...