Our parliamentary work

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Press release |

Human Rights in Russia

Anlässlich der heutigen Anhörung im Ausschuss für Menschenrechte zur Lage in Russland erklären Barbara Lochbihler, Vorsitzende des Menschenrechtsausschusses und Werner Schulz, Vizevorsitzender des Parlamentarischen Kooperationsausschusses EU-Russland des Europaparlaments:  "Bei der ...
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EFA logo
EFA logo
Press release |

CFP Reform Battle Enters Critical Stage

SNP President Ian Hudghton MEP has reiterated the case for substantial reform of the Common Fisheries Policy as EU negotiations reach a critical stage. Negotiations between the European Parliament and the EU Council of Ministers will be held tonight and tomorrow (Wednesday 29th) in an effort to reac...
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Video |

Pr. Gilles-Éric Séralini

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Press release |

EU fisheries policy reform

The final scheduled rounds of negotiations between the European Parliament and Council on proposals to overhaul the EU's Common Fisheries Policy are set to take place this week (Tuesday - Wednesday, 28-29 May). Ahead of the talks, Green MEPs have expressed concern that EU governments are unwilling t...
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News |

EU Development Aid

In a cross-party declaration, Members of the European Parliament have called on Member States to protect the development and humanitarian aid budgets in the next multi-annual financial framework of the EU (MFF). In comparison to the proposal of the Commission, the Ministers plan to cut the budgets...
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News |

Brussels Agenda

Priorities for the Greens this week: Right to a lawyer across the EU, Clinical trials of medical products, Infant and baby food. Also on the agenda: Dalligate and the role of OLAF and the Commission.
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News |

GMOs to be debated in the European Parliament

On Monday, 27th May 2013, three petitions relating to GMOs are going to be discussed in the Committee on Petitions of the European Parliament. For this important session, the Committee has invited Prof. Séralini, who has shaken the biotech industry world with the first scientific publication on ...
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News |

Greens/EFA Round-up

Greens/EFA priorities for the Strasbourg plenary week included bank resolution and economic stability, renewable energy policy in Europe, a missed chance for offshore drilling rules, tax avoidance and EU action, supervising European banks, the EU Commission and Dalligate, concerns with EU-US trade deal, defending EU standards in trade ag…
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Publication |

Sow the future

Seed diversity is the basis of our food chain and our food security depends on it. Decreasing seed diversity impacts on the choice of the food we eat, and local fruits, vegetables and cereals could disappear from our fields and plates.
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Press release |

Bee decline/neonicotinoid ban

The European Commission today decided to suspend the use of three neonicotinoid insecticides - due to their damaging impact on bee populations (1). Reacting to the Commission's decision, Green environment and food safety spokesperson Bart Staes (MEP, Belgium) said: "Today's decision is a fir...