Our parliamentary work

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Climate campaign newsletter

In this issue : EP gets a second chance to save Europe’s flagship climate policy; Cars/CO2: new targets short on ambition; Environment committee backs speed limit for new vans; Bonn: various possibilities, no concrete steps; Carbon dioxide levels reach symbolic threshold never seen in human history; Arctic Ocean 'acidifying rapidly' acco…
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Press release |

Animal welfare

EU funds continue to be used to subsidise the bullfighting industry in Spain, according to a new report by ERC/Catalonia Sí, which was presented in the European Parliament today by MEPs from the Greens/EFA group (1). The report suggests that bullfighting would be unviable without subsidies. Acting ...
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Press release |

Tax evasion

EU finance ministers today failed to agree on ending loopholes in the EU savings directive, under which Luxembourg and Austria are exempted from provisions on automatic information exchange, due to continued opposition from those two countries. The Greens hit out at the continued obstruction by Luxe...
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Press release |

Future EU budget (MFF)

Commenting on the outcome of the first trialogue negotiations between the European Parliament and Council on the EU multiannual financial framework (2014-20), Green budgetary spokesperson Helga Trüpel said: "There are worrying signs that the EP negotiating team will let itself be strong-armed ...
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Brussels Agenda

Greens/EFA priorities for the week include Tax evasion and banking transparency, EU-Ukraine agreement and ongoing concerns, Reindustrialising Europe the right way, Collective rights management: how to make it work, & Biodiversity: a European instrument for access and benefit sharing
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News |

Plant it and make it grow

Most of the food we eat comes from seeds. Seed diversity is the basis of our food chain and our food security depends on it. Decreasing it impacts on the choice of the food we eat, and local fruits, vegetables and cereals can disappear from our fields and plates. Seeds are also humanity's oldest ...
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Press release |

Future EU budget

A high-level meeting on the EU's future budget (multiannual financial framework) between European Parliament president Schulz, Commission president Barroso and President of the Council Enda Kenny agreed central points for a possible agreement. The outcome included a commitment by Council to pay a fi...
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Press release |

Van CO2 emissions/fuel efficiency

<xml> </xml> The European Parliament's environment committee today voted on legislative proposals for implementing EU rules on CO2 emissions limits for light commercial vehicles (vans) for the year 2020. The Greens regretted the failure to strengthen the 2020 limit and described the indi...
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News |

There is no homeland where there are no rights

Article 2Treaty on European Union -  2009 "The Union is founded on the values of respect for human dignity, freedom, democracy, equality, the rule of law and respect for human rights, including the rights of persons belonging to minorities." "When you look at Article 2, what y...
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Press release |

EU food rules and seeds

The European Commission today presented its food safety package, with proposals for new EU rules in a number of areas, including for seeds and plant reproductive products. The Greens expressed concern that the proposals on seeds would play into the hands of the agro-chemical industry and threaten se...