Our parliamentary work

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Press release |

Passenger data/privacy (PNR)

The European Parliament's civil liberties committee today voted to reject a proposed EU system to store the private data of airline passengers (PNR), along the lines of a US equivalent. The Greens strongly welcomed the vote, with home affairs and civil liberties spokesperson Jan Philipp Albrecht sta...
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Press release |

EU fingerprint database

The European Parliament's civil liberties committee today endorsed a legislative agreement on the EURODAC database of asylum applicants' and refugees' fingerprints (1), which includes controversial proposals to allow law enforcement authorities access to the database. Commenting after the vote, Gree...
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News |

The Belo Monte Dam Project

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News |

Social Housing in the EU

La Commission de l'emploi et des affaires sociales du Parlement européen s'est prononcée mardi 23 avril en faveur du rapport de l'eurodéputée verte Karima Delli sur le logement social dans l'Union européenne. Ce rapport cherche à montrer à quel point le secteur du logement social est un levier pour aider l'Union européenne à sortir de la …
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EFA logo
EFA logo
Press release |

Alfonsi calls for joint effort on language diversity

MEP François Alfonsi has called for a joint effort between the European Commission and Europe's nations and regions to protect Europe's endangered languages and promote language diversity.   Mr Alfonsi spoke as he presented a draft of his report on Europe's endangered languages...
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Press release |

Youth unemployment

The European Parliament's employment and social affairs committee today approved the creation of a new youth funding programme under the European Social Fund: the Youth Employment Initiative. The Greens welcomed the vote, which will make €6 billion available to fund the implementation of the Euro...
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News |

GMO (In)Digest

EU Work: The Greens/EFA GMO campaign is now on twitter. Follow it @GMOFreeEU And of course you should also be following our other campaigns on twitter at: @greens_climate (climate campaign) @FoodRevEU (food campaign) Conference: How GMO-free labelling of food products can contribute to increase GMO-...
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Press release |

Olaf and Dalli controversy

Following a debate in the European Parliament's budgetary control committee on the annual report of the supervisory committee of OLAF, the EU's anti-fraud body, Green MEPs Bart Staes, vice-chair of the EP's budgetary control committee, and José Bové, vice-chair of the EP's agriculture committee st...
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Press release |

Illegal fisheries

The European Parliament's fisheries committee today approved a new rapid procedure for listing countries not cooperating in the fight against illegal, unregulated and unreported fishing (IUU). This clears the way for the Commission to add additional countries to the current list (1) and to publish t...
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Press release |

Mortgage rules

An agreement on new EU rules on mortgages was reached in negotiations between the European Parliament and Council this evening (directive on credit agreements relating to residential properties). The Greens welcomed the agreement, which will provide for greater protection for consumers but cautioned...