Our parliamentary work

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News |

Fair Politician of the Year 2013

Green MEP Judith Sargentini was today awarded the title of Fair Politician of year 2012 – 2013. The prize is for the MEP who puts the most effort into making EU policies more fair towards developing countries Sargentini was awared the title for her focus on multiple topics mostly in relation ...
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Press release |

Multiannual Financial Framework

The Greens/EFA group in the European parliament today decided to reject the Council's proposal for a Multiannual Financial Framework for 2014 - 2020, a proposal which had been accepted by the Parliament's negotiation leader Alain Lamassoure in a personal capacity. The Greens/EFA group said that the ...
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Press release |

Horizon 2020

After six months of laborious negotiations, the European parliament and Council today reached agreement on Horizon 2020, the EU's Framework programme for research and innovation for the period 2014-2020. While the package deal has some good elements and allows for the preparation of the 2014 calls, ...
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Publication |

EU Climate Policy

Here are 6 myths on the European Carbon Market (and 'backloading') that have been spread by some Industries and MEPs and ...what the truth really is!
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Press release |

Car CO2 emissions

The European parliament and European Council, meeting yesterday in trialogue, came to an agreement on a legislative proposal on CO2 emissions limits for vehicles for 2020. The proposal fixes the steps necessary to implement a fleet average for car CO2 emissions of 95g of CO2 per km by 2020. The legi...
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News |

Brussels Agenda

Greens/EFA priorities for the week include Horizon 2020, Multiannual Financial Framework, Roma integration strategy, Tackling youth unemployment in Europe, When Rule of Law is at risk: What can/should the EU do?, Agroecology: The Need for Transformation in Policy and Science, Water is a public good, Citizens first! Ideas for Improving and…
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Press release |

MiFID - markets in financial instruments

The European Council today formally adopted its negotiating position on the legislative package on markets in financial instruments (MiFID/MiFIR). The Commission published its proposal in October 2011 and the Parliament agreed on its position a year later. The Council kicked the MiFID can down the r...
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Press release |

Posted workers

The European Parliament's employment committee today voted on a key legislative package concerning the labour rights of posted workers. The rules address some of the major problems with existing EU rules on posted workers and the Greens welcome the committee's vote to reinforce these rights through ...
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Press release |

MFF negotiations

The negotiations on the EU's Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) have come to a head, with the Council yesterday submitting a final proposal to the European Parliament. However, there are deep divisions between the European Parliament negotiators. At the beginning of next week, the European Parlia...
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Press release |

Emissions Trading System backloading

The European Parliament's environment committee today adopted a new position on the European Commission's Emissions Trading System (ETS) backloading proposal. This is the second time that the environment committee has voted in favour of postponing the auctioning of emissions permits and comes after ...