Our parliamentary work

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Press release |

Music copyright

The European Parliament's legal affairs committee today unanimously adopted a report on collective management of copyright. This draft legislation, part of the Digital Agenda for Europe and the Europe 2020 Strategy, aims to tighten up transparency and accountability within collecting societies and f...
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Press release |

Youth Unemployment

  The European Parliament's employment and social affairs committee today voted on a report on youth unemployment. The Greens/EFA group considers this report to be weak and regrets that at this critical moment the European Parliament has failed to put forward decisive and innovative demands ...
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News |

Greens/EFA Round-up

Greens/EFA priorities for the Strasbourg Plenary include export credit agencies, EU budget 2014-2020, Hungary, reforming the EU's anti-fraud body, reforming the structure of the banking sector, regulating investment funds (UCITS), implementing the Financial Transaction Tax, emissions Trading System, US and UK government surveillance of EU…
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News |

Finding Food

Finding Food is getting harder. Across Europe, organisations that help the most deprived are sounding the alarm bell. The number of people that fall below the poverty line is rising fast, while the amount of food available is dropping. Food banks and other aid organisations have increasing difficulties in meeting the demand.
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Video |

Access to care for vulnerable groups

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News |

Belo-Monte Mega-Dam

As hundreds of thousands of Brazilians take to the streets to challenge the development model of their country, Green MEPs Catherine Grèze, Eva Joly and Ulrike Lunacek, will be in Brazil gaining an overview of the proposed Belo Monte Mega-Dam project and its impact on local populations ...
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Press release |

NSA surveillance

The European Parliament today voted by a large majority to adopt a resolution on the USA's NSA and other EU Member States' surveillance programs. This resolution calls for an inquiry by the European Parliament's civil liberties committee. The Greens/EFA group regrets however that there was no majori...
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Press release |

Arms exports

The European Parliament today voted on a resolution on the European Council's Common Position on arms exports. The conservatives and liberals' proposal achieved a majority. Green MEP Tarja Cronberg, Greens/EFA spokesperson for security and defence stated: "We are extremely disappointed with th...
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Press release |

Access to care

The European Parliament today adopted a report by Green MEP Jean Lambert on access to care for vulnerable groups. With access to healthcare and other social support services threatened by budget cuts, the report uncovers important findings and proposes measures to improve the access to care, support...
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Video |

US & UK surveillance of EU citizens

Negotiations on free trade agreement with USA should be put on hold the US. We refuse to accept that consumer and data protection could be sacrificed for the sake of the TTIP. The US must accept common data protection standards in the proposed Framework Agreement with the EU.