Our parliamentary work

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Press release |

European justice rules

EU justice ministers are today expected to reach an agreement on draft EU rules on the presumption of innocence in criminal proceedings. Commenting ahead of the Council of justice ministers, Green justice and home affairs spokesperson Jan Philipp Albrecht said: "We are concerned that today's mo...
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Press release |

Tar sands oil

The European Parliament's environment committee today voted to reject new fuel quality rules proposed by the EU Commission, which failed to include a separate methodology for assessing greenhouse gas emissions from tar sands oil (1). After the vote, Green climate change spokesperson Bas Eickhout, wh...
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News |

TTIP talks

  Producers of good food and farming practices need to keep a keen eye on the EU-US talks TTIP talks are currently the hot topic on the European Commission trade menu. But what’s cooking? How much should we fear the impacts of a potential EU-US trade agreement on food and farming? S...
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Video |

TTIP: the public pressure is working

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Video |

Protest walk to Brussels

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News |

Join the Food Revolution Newsletter

  GREEN INSIGHT INTO EU FOOD POLICY Novel foods: EP sends clear signals on food from clones and nanomaterials in food GMO authorisation: 'No must mean no', as MEPs vote to strengthen GMO opt-outs for member states and regions. FOOD FOR THOUGHT International Congre...
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Press release |

Economic governance

The European Commission today presented its assessment of EU member states' budgetary plans in the context of the Stability and Growth Pact, as well as presenting a communication on how to revise the EU's system of economic governance. Commenting on the Commission's assessment of EU member states' b...
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News |

Greens/EFA Round-up

Greens/EFA priorities for the Strasbourg Plenary included tax evasíon and the LuxLeaks, plastic bags rules, the Pope's visit and the role of his church, the EU-Canada PNR agreement, migration and tragedies in the Mediterranean, the recognition of Palestine and peace in the Middle East, the UN climate talks and the EU's role, the Commiss…
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Press release |

Digital market/Google

The European Parliament today adopted a resolution on the digital single market and the current legal proceedings against Google. Commenting on the vote, Green digital agenda expert Jan Philipp Albrecht stated: "The core principle guiding the debate on the Google anti-trust case and the digita...
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Video |

Recognising Palestine and peace in the Middle East