Our parliamentary work

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News |

COP20: Success in Paris next year will depend on the agreement in Lima!

We are now quickly approaching the end of the COP20. While it is clear that negotiators will be able to strike some kind of deal in Lima, it is important to underline the importance of making serious good progress on all these three elements: the draft text agreement for the 2015 agreement, the ADP decision on INDCs and a agreement on a p…
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Video |

COP20, time to move on

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Video |

Climate march, we are on the move. And you?

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Press release |

EU Commission work programme

According to unconfirmed reports, the European Commission has already decided not to proceed with crucial legislative proposals on the circular economy and resource use and will not propose a badly-needed update of EU air quality rules. Eleven EU governments have written to the Commission urging it ...
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News |

Let’s stop subsidizing the past!

Richest states promised to phase out fossil fuel in 2009 and reinterred their promise last year. However, the various reports on the subject compiled by NGOs, think tanks or banks cannot be clearer: only very little has been done at national level. If the world if serious about agreeing on a climate deal that will limit global warming wel…
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Publication |

Free Software and Open Standards in the European Parliament

Do public bodies in Europe have an obligation to move from closed source and lock-in to vendor independence and free software? In general probably yes, but is it also true for the European Parliament? Definitely!
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Video |

TTIP talks - what's cooking

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Video |

TTIP talks - what's cooking

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Video |

TTIP talks - what's cooking

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Video |

TTIP talks - what's cooking