Our parliamentary work

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Climate finance to unlock COP 20

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Video |

Happy Birthday Mr. Juncker

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News |

The Green Climate fund – A key element to strike an ambitious climate deal in Paris

With the announcement by Norway at COP20 last Friday to contribute with $258 million dollars the Green Climate Fund has now almost received the $10 billion demanded by its board before the end of this year. However too many unclear elements remain to ensure trust between the developped countries and more vulnerable states and thus good pr…
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Press release |

EU investment plan

An initial list of projects proposed by EU member states, which could benefit from funding under the EU investment plan proposed by Jean-Claude Juncker, was today discussed by EU finance ministers. The list includes a disproportionate number of nuclear energy projects (1). Commenting on the list, Gr...
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Press release |

EU finance council

A Council meeting of EU finance ministers has again failed to finalise the proposed EU financial transaction tax, after the ministers of the 11 participating states could not agree. At the Council today, the finance ministers are set to agree to a revision of crucial EU legislation in the context of...
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Video |

COP 20 in Lima must be more than a dress rehearsal

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Video |

Inflammatory Bowel Disease

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News |

COP 20 in Lima must be more than a dress rehearsal

After quite some celebration, media hype and self-gratulations over the US and China deal, time for a cold shower: the prospects of a Paris 2015 agreement that delivers a path to a below 2°C warming are anything but certain. This negotiation round, Conference of Parties in Lima, Peru, that started last Monday will need to deliver key dec…
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Press release |

Tax evasion/Luxembourg leaks

The European Parliament's conference of presidents of political groups today agreed that the EP's economic affairs committee should draft two initiative reports on tax evasion. The Greens/EFA group has pushed for a full European Parliament inquiry committee into tax evasion and dumping as a follow-u...
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Press release |

GMO authorisation

An agreement on a proposed new scheme for the authorisation of genetically-modified organisms in the EU was reached last night in negotiations between the European Parliament and EU governments in Council. Commenting on the deal, Green food safety spokesperson Bart Staes said: “This deal has avoi...