Our parliamentary work

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Press release |

Middle East peace process

The European Parliament today adopted a resolution with a large majority calling for the Palestinian state to finally be recognised. After the vote, Greens/EFA co-presidents Rebecca Harms and Philippe Lamberts stated: "The European Parliament has today joined the growing international momentum ...
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Press release |

EU budget

The European Parliament today voted to approve an agreement on the EU's budget for 2015. The Greens/EFA group has criticised the deal, which will leave the EU again facing shortfalls next year, with Green budgetary spokesperson Indrek Tarand saying: "By failing to truly solve the problem of the...
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Video |

Shortage of funding for the World Food Programme aid scheme to Syrian refugees

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Video |

Commission work programme 2015

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Press release |

EU money laundering rules

The European Parliament and Council today reached agreement on new EU legislation aimed at tackling money laundering.  The Greens welcomed the final agreement which includes crucial provisions on central registers for beneficial ownership, which was proposed by the Greens and insisted on by the...
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EFA logo
EFA logo
Press release |

EU Commission must not row back on environmental standards

Plaid Cymru MEP Jill Evans (Wales), in a speech to the European Parliament today has pledged to keep up the pressure on the EU Commission not to row back on its environmental commitments. Today’s proposals from EU President Junker at the presentation of the EU Commission's Work Programme to ...
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Press release |

EU Commission work programme

The European Commission today presented its work programme for 2015. The programme lists legislation that could be proposed over the coming year but also legislative proposals already in the pipeline that could be withdrawn. The Greens have expressed concern about the mooted shelving of crucial legi...
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Press release |

Arrest of journalists in Turkey

Turkish police arrested dozens of journalists in raids on opposition media this week-end. The co-president of the Greens/EFA-group in the European Parliament, Rebecca Harms, met some of those now arrested in November in Istanbul. Already at that time, these journalists were talking about systematic ...
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News |

COP20 - The final hours…

The climate summit in Lima will probably probably continue until Sunday. Last night the poorer countries expressed too many objections to the draft ADP text, which will be the text that will have to be agreed upon at the climate summit in 2015 in Paris.
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Press release |

UN climate talks

The UN climate negotiations and politicians are lagging behind the shift that is already taking place in our economies, driven by civil society and businesses. Most importantly, there is still no clarity on the crucial issue of aid for developing countries to adapt to and take measures to prevent climate change, meaning the bridge between…