Our parliamentary work

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Publication |

A Green Energy Union

A Green Energy Union means a common energy policy in the EU based on renewables and energy efficiency, enabling us to democratically address the most important challenges of our time.
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Publication |

Situation in Egypt

Tabled by Judith Sargentini, Igor Šoltes, Ernest Urtasun, Davor Škrlec, Barbara Lochbihler, Alyn Smith, Molly Scott Cato, Eva Joly, Bodil Ceballos, Pascal Durand, Bart Staes, Ernest Maragall, on behalf of the Greens/EFA Group The European Parliament, – having regard to its previous resolutions o...
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Publication |

Situation in Ukraine

Tabled by Rebecca Harms, Ulrike Lunacek, Tamás Meszerics, Heidi Hautala, Benedek Jávor, Yannick Jadot, Peter Eriksson, Ernest Maragall, Helga Trüpel, Davor Škrlec, Igor Šoltes on behalf of the Greens/EFA Group The European Parliament, – having regard to its previous resolutions on Ukrain...
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Publication |

Situation in Libya

Tabled by Barbara Lochbihler, Ernest Urtasun, Davor Škrlec, Jean Lambert, Bodil Ceballos, Jordi Sebastià, Igor Šoltes, Bronis Ropė, Josep-Maria Terricabras, Judith Sargentini on behalf of the Greens/EFA Group The European Parliament, – having regard to the United Nations Security Council ...
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Publication |

Commission Work Programme for 2015

The European Parliament, – having regard to the Commission communication entitled ‘Commission Work Programme 2015 – A New Start’ (COM (2014)0910), – having regard to the Commission communication entitled ‘An Investment Plan for Europe’ (COM (2014)0903), – having regard to the existin...
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EFA logo
EFA logo
Press release |

EU Commission cannot ignore TTIP opposition

Commenting on today's European Commission publication of its consultation findings on the inclusion of ISDS (Investor State Dispute Settlement) in the TTIP transatlantic trade agreement, Plaid MEP Jill Evans said: "The European Commission cannot bury its head in the sand and ignore the m...
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Video |

We must not let our freedoms drown

Our thoughts go out to the 17 victims, artists and journalists defending freedom of expression, police, Jews, Christians, atheists and Muslims, their families, their loved ones. We must now make sure that we do not allow our freedoms to drown
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Press release |

Security and counter-terrorism

European home affairs ministers are today meeting in Paris to discuss coordinated counter-terrorism measures in the wake of the terrorist attacks in France this week. Commenting on the meeting, Green justice and home affairs spokesperson Jan Philipp Albrecht said: “EU home affairs ministers are pl...
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News |

Join the Food Revolution Newsletter

GREEN INSIGHT INTO EU FOOD POLICY Vote on GMO authorisation: New EU scheme eases way for GMOs without addressing flawed authorisation process  FOOD FOR THOUGHT  The European Parliament's Sustainable Food Steering Group insists on the importance of the publication of th...
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Press release |

Charlie Hebdo attack

The Greens/EFA group in the European Parliament has strongly condemned today's attack on the offices of the French satirical publication Charlie Hebdo and expressed solidarity with the families, friends and colleagues of the victims. Commenting on the attack, Greens/EFA co-presidents Philippe Lamber...