Our parliamentary work

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Publication |

Green proposals and policy options for the way forward in Greece

A key benchmark for assessing how and whether a sustainable debt trajectory can be reached is the amount that according to the conditions of the programme the Greek public sector needs to devote to servicing the debt burden on a yearly basis. It has also to be noted that most of the current debt is...
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Press release |

Greece/EU summit

Ahead of today's meeting of Eurozone finance ministers and tomorrow's summit of EU leaders, at which the economic situation in Greece will be in focus, the Greens/EFA group has outlined its proposals for solutions for Greece. Commenting on the situation and the Green proposals, Greens/EFA co-preside...
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Press release |

Food safety

The European Parliament today adopted a resolution urging the European Commission to finally propose new legislation to ensure mandatory origin labelling for meat in processed foods, like frozen lasagnes or pies. Commenting after the vote UK Green MEP Keith Taylor, who co-drafted the resolution, sai...
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Press release |


The European Parliament today adopted a resolution on an EU approach to counter-terrorism, ahead of this week's summit of EU heads of state and government on the issue. The Greens voted against the resolution, which would fail to provide a coherent response to terrorism and instead open the door to ...
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Press release |

CIA human rights abuses

The European Parliament today adopted a resolution on CIA abuses in response to the recent US Senate Report on the use of torture by the CIA, which explicitly dealt with CIA abuses on EU territory. Following the vote, Green civil liberties spokesperson Eva Joly stated: "Parliament is again seek...
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News |

Mandatory origin labelling of processed meat

90% of EU consumers want to know where their meat comes from. So, as Greens, our main argument for labelling the country of origin of meat, both processed and unprocessed, is to meet consumers' demands and enable them to make informed choices
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Video |

Inquiry committee on tax dumping

There's still a lot to be done to tackle tax evasion in the EU. Following the Luxleaks scandal, the Greens refuse to be fobbed off with a less powerful 'Special committee' instead of an 'Inquiry committee' in order for the European Parliament to examine Member States' tax decisions.
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EFA logo
EFA logo
News |

Support for European Roadmap for Linguistic Diversity

MEPs have backed calls for a European Roadmap for Linguistic Diversity to support Europe's regional, minority, and endangered languages. The European Network to Promote Linguistic Diversity (NPLD) this week launched a consultation on the proposed roadmap at an event hosted by Plaid Cymru MEP Jill Ev...
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News |

VAT fraud in the EU

Benedek Jávor and Ingeborg Gräßle, Chair of the European Parliament's budgetary control committee, hosted a conference on VAT fraud – a multi-billion euros a year prejudice to states and taxpayers.
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Press release |

Tax evasion/Luxembourg leaks

The leaders of the political groups in the European Parliament today discussed the proposal to create of a full European Parliament inquiry committee into tax evasion and dumping following the Luxembourg Leaks revelations. The conference of presidents failed to endorse the committee, despite it havi...