Our parliamentary work

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Press release |

Tax dumping

The European Commission today held its first orientation debate on its planned measures against tax dumping and published its first ideas.Commenting on these proposals, Sven Giegold, Green finance and economic spokesperson said:"The EU Commission is still half-hearted and restrained when it com...
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Press release |

Capital markets union

EU Commissioner Jonathan Hill today published a Green Paper proposing a Capital markets union, launching the European Commission’s project to create a genuinely European capital market, aimed at removing barriers to the development of cross-border investments. The Commission also plans to decrease...
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News |

Join the Food Revolution Newsletter

GREEN INSIGHT INTO EU FOOD POLICY Vote on mandatory country of origin labelling of processed meat: Greens hope the European Commission will finally address the issue  End of Milk quota: The Greens call for a more balanced approach to prevent crisis.  'TTIP and Food What's ...
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News |

Let’s use our money wisely! Let’s divest!

Despite that some constructive proposals have been put forward at the new round of climate negotiations that is currently taking place in Geneva, Switzerland, a growing number of citizens are getting tired of these never ending talks. This is the reason why some citizens and businessmen have decided to take the lead themselves and are now…
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News |

Greens/EFA Round up

Greens/EFA priorities for the Strasbourg plenary included processed meat and origin labelling; access to medicines in the EU; CIA abuses and the role of EU governments; combatting child abduction globally; Ukraine, Russia and the EU's role; EU counter-terrorism policy and fundamental rights; Lux Leaks and tax evasion: EP investigation; de…
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Press release |

Saudi Arabia/human rights

The European Parliament today adopted a resolution on human rights in Saudi Arabia, including a call for the release of detained blogger Raif Badawi. After the vote, Green human rights spokesperson Barbara Lochbihler stated: "The European Parliament has today called on the Saudi authorities to ...
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Press release |

Tax evasion/Luxembourg leaks

The European Parliament today voted to approve the creation of a special committee to investigate tax evasion and dumping in Europe following the Luxembourg Leaks revelations. The Greens/EFA group had been pushing for the creation of an inquiry committee, which was blocked by the bigger political g...
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Video |

The European Free Alliance

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Publication |


The right to health and access to life-saving medicines has to be ensured in Europe. Everyone must have access to effective, safe and available medicines at unaffordable prices. The logic of medicines must change! Check out our infographics
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Video |

Humanitarian crisis in Iraq and Syria, in particular in the IS context