Our parliamentary work

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EU climate and energy summit

EU heads of state and government are meeting at a high-level summit today and tomorrow (23-24 October) to decide on the EU's climate and energy policy to 2030. With headline targets on greenhouse gas reductions, renewable energy share and reducing energy consumption set to be decided, the stakes cou...
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Mos Maiorum

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Presentation of the College of Commissioners and their programme

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Fundamental Rights and the new Commission

Plenary speech from Judith Sargentini For several years now there have been signals that Hungary is moving away from the core values of the European Union. This was affirmed this year by Hungarian Prime Minister, Viktor Orbán, when he openly admitting his wish to build an illiberal state. ...
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Press release |

EU budget

The European Parliament today voted on the EU's budget for 2015. Commenting after the vote, Green budgetary spokesperson Indrek Tarand said: "MEPs have today tried to limit the damage to key social and economic programmes under next year's EU budget. The original proposals would continue the pe...
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Preparation of the European Council (23-24 October 2014)

2030 is the next crucial milestone for European climate and energy policy; without ambitious and binding targets for renewables, energy efficiency and, greenhouse gases, the EU will struggle to make up the lost ground in the years that follow.
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Press release |

European Commission appointment

The Greens/EFA group today voted against the Juncker Commission because they are not convinced the overall package and policy direction presented by president Juncker is what is needed re-establish the trust of our citizens in the nascent European democracy. But this is not a blanket rejection
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Presentation of the College of Commissioners and their programme

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Game over - EU Commission test
Game over - EU Commission test
News |

Commission Test

The game is over. The new College of the European Commission was voted by the European Parliament. Our group voted against. Read our blog for an analysis of the proposed EU Commissioners, their remits and the hearings
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Video |

The Catalan Referendum: Legal and Democratic