Our parliamentary work

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News |

GMO (In)digest

  EU Work: Renationalisation proposal (Opt-out) See (GMO (In)digest 14) The political agreement on the renationalisation, or “opt-out” proposal has been formally adopted at the Council of General Affairs on 23rd July, and officially transmitted to the European Parliament (...
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Video |

Outcome of the conference on employment (Milano, 8 October)

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Video |

Commissioner Test: Maroš Šefčovič

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Publication |

Election of the Commission

The Greens/EFA consider that this College has got the priorities wrong and that the overall composition, the allocation of key-portfolios and above all the policy direction are not what Europeans need to face Europe’s deep social and environmental crisis and meet the challenges of this century.
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News |

Stop European subsidies on bullfighting!

On 22 October, Members of the European Parliament will vote on a Green proposal to stop EU funds for bullfighting and the related industry for this brutal and cruel activity. Help convince them by signing the petition
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Press release |


Commenting on today's meeting of EU health ministers on the Ebola epidemic, Green health spokesperson Michèle Rivasi said: "The Ebola outbreak is out of control and the risk of contamination is not ruled out in Europe, as we have seen recently in Spain. The priority is to contain it at th...
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Video |

TTIP. Beware what lies beneath

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Video |

World Food Day 2014

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EFA logo
EFA logo
Press release |

Spain missing out on renewable energy potential

The Spanish government's effective veto on renewable energy has been condemned at an event in Brussels organised by Valencian MEP Jordi Sebastià. A controversial subsidy system for renewable energy exists in Spain. Around one third of Spain's energy is currently produced from renewable sources and ...
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Video |

The Catalan Referendum: Legal and Democratic