Our parliamentary work

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Experienced Politician

Green MEP Judith Sargentini gives a cautiously positive assessment of the EP hearing with Dimitris Avramopoulos and Migration and Home Affairs under the new Commission. What was your overall impression of how commissioner-designate Avramopoulos perf...
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Juncker's persisting environmental blind spot

The complete relegation of sustainable development and environmental protection in the proposals by president-elect Juncker for the coming EU Commission term has been under fire for some time. Last week, our group wrote to Juncker to express our concerns on his environmental blind spot, as the EP's ...
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Our health and food in safe hands?

Green MEP Bas Eickhout gives a generally positive assessment of the EP hearing with Vytenis Andriukaitis and health and food safety under the new Commission.     What was your overall impression of how commissioner-designate Andriukaitis performed? He clearly is very comm...
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EFA logo
EFA logo
Press release |

Language diversity side-lined in new EU Commission

The new European Commission is at risk of ignoring the importance of language diversity in Europe, according to Plaid Cymru – the Party of Wales MEP Jill Evans, a member of the European Free Alliance (EFA) Group of MEPs. The Welsh MEP has criticised the decision not to appoint a dedicated EU Commi...
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Video |

Commissioner Test: Karmenu Vella

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Fit for the job of environment and fisheries commissioner?

Greens/EFA environment spokesperson Bas Eickhout and fisheries spokesperson Isabella Lövin give their assessment of the European Parliament hearing with Karmenu Vella, EU commissioner-designate for the environment and fisheries. What is your impression of how Commissioner-...
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New Trade Commissioner?

What is your overall impression of how the candidate performed? Cecilia Malmström was obviously well briefed on the trade dossier. Unfortunately, she has fallen completely into the line and footsteps of her predecessor, Karel de Gucht. Were there particular issues or answers t...
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News |

Sustainability and the environment under Team Juncker

With the European Parliament set to vet the College of Commissioners proposed by president-elect Jean-Claude Juncker, Greens/EFA group co-presidents Rebecca Harms and Philippe Lamberts give a sceptical assessment of Team Juncker and its possible implications for EU policy in key areas like sustainab...
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Video |

EU-Canada trade negotiations (CETA)

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Press release |

EU-Canada trade negotiations

European Commission president Barroso will tomorrow meet with Canadian prime minister Harper to announce the conclusion of negotiations on an EU-Canada trade agreement (CETA). The Greens have hit out at the Commission concluding this process in spite of significant opposition from EU governments, ci...