Our parliamentary work

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Video |

The Catalan Referendum: Legal and Democratic

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Video |

The Catalan Referendum: Legal and Democratic

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EFA logo
EFA logo
Press release |

Catalans' right to vote highlighted in Brussels

Catalonia's democratic right to decide on its own constitutional future was highlighted today at an event in the European Parliament in Brussels. Politicians from across the political spectrum and representatives of Catalan civil society came together to press the case for Catalan self-determination...
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Press release |

Tax evasion and information exchange

<xml> </xml>EU finance ministers today agreed to extend the scope of the automatic exchange of information system between national tax authorities within the EU. Tax authorities in EU member states will be obliged to exchange information on capital income, e.g. automatically sharing info...
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Press release |

Energy subsidies

The European Commission today presented research on subsidies for various energy sources. Commenting on the study, Greens/EFA co-president Rebecca Harms said: "The EU Commission itself has acknowledged that this research provides an initial snapshot, rather than the full picture. On nuclear po...
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Press release |

GMO authorisations

The Greens/EFA group has written to incoming Commission president Juncker (1) asking that he intervene to ensure there are no new authorisations of genetically modified organisms by the outgoing European Commission. The initiative comes on the back of news that EU trade commissioner De Gucht is seek...
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Press release |

EU-wide "Mos Maiorum" police operation

Today sees the start of the EU wide "Mos Maiorum" police operation. This operation, carried out by EU member states, is directed against irregular migrants. It will also target traffickers and smugglers of human beings and their agents. The operation will run until 26 October. For the firs...
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News |

European Day of Action against TTIP

Greens/EFA MEPs are taking part in the European Day of Action against TTIP, CETA and TISA this week-end. Let's join together in the fight against the TTIP EU-US deal.
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News |

Lithuanian Government shall not force unsafe shale gas technologies

Today, 10 October, over 30 Members of the European Parliament in their letter have addressed the President, Chair of the Seimas (Parliament) and the Prime Minister of the Republic of Lithuania expressing their concern about allegedly launched shale gas initiatives in Lithuania. Bronis Ropė MEP (Gre...
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News |

EU medicine regulation in the new Commission

The European Medicines Agency, which is responsible for the evaluation and supervision of medicines in the EU, has been something of a political hot potato over the past weeks. President-elect Juncker tried to shift responsibility for this crucial regulatory agency to the EU Commission's directorate...