Our parliamentary work

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News |

Access to Books

The European Parliament today adopted by a large majority a resolution on access by visually impaired people to books. Visually impaired and other print-disabled persons suffer from a book famine. Over 95% of published books are not available in accessible formats that visually impaired and print-di...
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Press release |

EU-Morocco trade agreement

The European Parliament today voted to give its consent to the inclusion of a new protocol on agriculture and fisheries in the EU-Morocco trade agreement. The Greens are opposed to the agreement both because of concerns about the impact of liberalised trade on small producers and because the agreeme...
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Press release |


The European Parliament today adopted a resolution on the worrying situation in Hungary, including a pledge to push ahead with a so-called Article 7.1 procedure against Hungary for undermining fundamental EU values (1). Speaking after the vote, Green civil liberties spokesperson Judith Sargentini sa...
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Press release |

Sulphur rules for ships/Air pollution

The European Parliament environment committee today voted on new legislative proposals aimed at reducing sulphur pollution from ships (1), which are being shepherded through the EP by Green rapporteur/draftsperson Satu Hassi MEP. Speaking after the vote, Satu Hassi said: "Today's vote brings us...
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Press release |


The European Parliament today adopted a resolution on the situation in Russia, ahead of next month's presidential elections. The Greens welcomed the call to do more to promote political pluralism and fair elections, as well as the condemnation of human rights abuses. After the vote, Green MEP and vi...
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Video |

Social aspects of EU economic policies

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Video |

Food aid for the most vulnerable persons

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Video |

Rebecca Harms

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Video |

Preparation for the European Council meeting

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Video |

ACT on ACTA say NO

Greens/EFA MEPs demonstrated today against ACTA (The Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement) in Strasbourg as pressure builds on the European Parliament to take action. The Group has long campaigned on the agreement, alarmed at the lack of transparency surrounding negotiations and will do everything it can in the coming weeks to convince MEP…