Our parliamentary work

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Fukushima one year on

Greens/EFA Co-Presidents look back at the impact of the Fukushima nuclear disaster for the local people, Japan and the World in this opinion piece that also appeared in EU Observer
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Press release |


The European Commission today announced it would be continuing with infringement proceedings against the Hungarian government for the proposed laws threatening the independence of the judiciary and the data protection authority, as well as seeking further clarification over a new law affecting the i...
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Video |

Democracy in bad constitution ?

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Press release |


EU foreign policy high representative Catherine Ashton today confirmed that there will be a fresh round of nuclear talks between the UN and Iran. Commenting on the announcement, Green MEP and head of the EP's Iran delegation Tarja Cronberg said: "The announcement of a fresh round of nuclear t...
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Press release |

Fukushima anniversary

On 11 March last year, a massive earthquake and tsunami hit Japan, resulting in thousands of tragic deaths, and causing a nuclear disaster. With the consequences of the nuclear catastrophe in Fukushima still ongoing, the Greens/EFA group in the European Parliament is organising an event with partici...
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News |

No e-fortress Europe!

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News |

Russia elections

The overall outcome of this weekend's presidential election was never in doubt: Vladimir Putin is back for another term as Russia's president. The lack of democratic legitimacy of the election was also never in doubt, given the treatment of opposition politicians in Russia in advance. However, the e...
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Commission should investigate all options as regards Data Retention

Currently the Commission is assessing whether to revise or abandon the Data Retention Directive 2006/24/EC. The Directive was adopted in 2006 as a reaction to, amongst others, the London Bombings in 2005. It makes blanket retention of all citizens' communications data mandatory. Several EU member ...
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Press release |

Women in work

The European Commission today presented its progress report on women in economic decision-making positions, announcing its intention to launch a consultation with a view to introducing legislation, including provisions for boardroom quotas. The Greens welcomed the proposals and urged the Commission ...
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Video |

The Green New Deal