Our parliamentary work

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Why do we need a Green New Deal?

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News |

Brussels Agenda

Priorities for the Greens/EFA group this week include improving enforcement of EU environment law, fixing the ETS and EU climate policy, the consequences of the Fukushima nuclear disaster one year on, how to stop land grabbing, and the current state of democracy in Hungary.
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Press release |

EU summit

It is high time to end the damaging blinkered focus on public spending cuts and start addressing ways to strengthen national revenue sources. A long-overdue step to this end is to take common measures to tackle tax avoidance and evasion, as well as finally implementing a financial transaction tax and introducing a proper common corporate …
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Stop Climate Change Newsletter

In this issue: why we must phase out nuclear power, the energy efficiency directive, carbon tax, keeping tar sands out of Europe, China's strenghtened energy efficiency targets and the rising emissions in the US.
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GMO (In)Digest

In this issue: GMOs by the back door? Protests in Berlin; New Ban in France; Patent on Plant thrown out in Netherlands; Non-GMO brand success in the USA and more...
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Press release |

Anti-counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA)

Greens/EFA co-presidents Dany Cohn-Bendit and Rebecca Harms today wrote to Commission president Barroso (1), asking him to clarify the announcement that the Commission will refer the controversial Anti-counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) to the European Court of Justice for a legal opinion (2). Co...
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Press release |

Baby food rules

The European Parliament environment committee today voted on EU rules on food for young children and infants and food for special medical purposes. The Greens gave a mixed response to the vote, welcoming improvements on labelling but regretting the failure to ensure the most toxic pesticides cannot ...
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Press release |

Energy and carbon tax

The European Parliament economic affairs committee (ECON) today voted on proposed EU legislation on energy taxation, which sets out minimum European rates, notably with a view to introducing EU-level carbon taxation. The Greens welcomed the outcome of the vote, which gives a clear political signal f...
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News |

Greek crisis and a Green way out

The European Council is meeting this Thursday, with Greece and the economic crisis once more high on the agenda. A blinkered austerity focused strategy has held sway since the beginning of the crisis, but it is not too late for us to learn from our mistakes. Green MEP Nikos Chrysogelos has written...
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Video |

Energy efficiency rules

The European Parliament energy committee voted on new EU legislation on energy efficiency and savings. Green rapporteur welcomes the strongest message ever sent by the Parliament on energy efficiency