Our parliamentary work

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GMO Campaign Blog

EU member states are currently discussing (1) a set of rules that concern how applications for the authorisation of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are assessed. The rules themselves are quite technical but the implications could be far-reaching for future GMO assessments in Europe. The Europ...
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Press release |

Greek bail out deal

Commenting on the news that Greek negotiators have reached a deal on the budgetary cuts necessary for the release of the next round of the EU-IMF bail out, co-president of the Greens/EFA group in the European Parliament Dany Cohn-Bendit said: "Today's deal will continue the vicious circle of b...
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Stop Climate Change Newsletter

Keep up to date with all of the latest news on climate, policy and international negotiations from our campaign website.
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Press release |

Nuclear decommissioning/EU funds

The European Court of Auditors today published a special report (1) on the use of EU funds for decommissioning nuclear reactors in Lithuania, Slovakia and Bulgaria. The report concluded that the funding to date (including €2.85 billion in EU funds) was far short of what is necessary to safely and ...
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EU-India Summit

On 10th February the next EU-India summit will take place in New Delhi. The Commission is pushing for the rapid conclusion of negotiations over the controversial EU-India Free Trade Agreement. But what would further "liberalisation" mean for India and its poorest people?
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Gates Foundation

Bill Gates addressed the Development committee of the European Parliament last week and received a warm welcome from the MEPs present. The questions that followed his address were light and easy with one exception: Green MEP Catherine Grèze challenged Mr. Gates on the funding of his foundation, a...
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Press release |

EU food aid scheme

The European Parliament agriculture committee today approved a compromise solution on a scheme under the CAP, which provides food aid to the most vulnerable persons in the EU. The compromise follows the lines of a Green proposal made last year and would see the scheme continued until 2013 (arou...
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Press release |

Aviation emissions

China has announced a prohibition on its airlines participating in the EU's emissions trading scheme, escalating a dispute between the EU and a number of third countries (1). The Greens have hit out at China's announcement and called on the EU not to back down. Commenting on the developments, Green ...
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Greens/EFA Round-up

Priorities for the Greens/EFA group for the plenary session included the Euro crisis summit, the debate on Iran and its nuclear programme and the misleading health claims in food
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Brussels Agenda

Priorities for the Greens/EFA group this week include the Commission report on macro-economic imbalances in EU member states, the Commission proposals on posted workers and on the right to strike in the European Union. Two Greens/EFA hearings on the fiscal compact and on patents on plants and animals are also worth mentioning