Our parliamentary work

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Hungarian Constitution

"You're going in the same direction as Mr Chavez, Mr Castro and all of those totalitarian governments. Ask why are the homeless afraid? Why are intellectuals afraid? Why are many citizens afraid? If you have the majority, the minority has the right not to live in fear."
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Danish Presidency Programm

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Press release |

Euro crisis agreement

The European Parliament today adopted a resolution on the Euro crisis and the draft intergovernmental agreement, which was proposed by the December EU summit. Negotiations on the draft agreement are in their final stages but the Greens believe the final text will fail to deliver the necessary crisis...
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Video |

Election of the President of the EP

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EFA logo
EFA logo
Press release |

EFA Group to welcome new MEP

When: 15:00 - Tuesday 17 January 2012Where: Press Briefing Room LOW N-1/201, European Parliament, StrasbourgWho: Ana Miranda (Bloque Nacionalista Galego) and Jill Evans MEP (Plaid Cymru, President, EFA Group) At the January plenary session, the EFA group in the European Parliament welcomes a new MEP...
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Press release |


The European Commission issued a much-anticipated assessment of the compatibility of the new Hungarian constitution and implementing 'cardinal laws' with EU law. The Greens welcomed the assessment but expressed concern that the Commission's assessment fails to address other worrying proposals
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Publication |

European Council of 8/9 December 2011 and draft international agreement on a Fiscal Stability Union

The European Parliament,  - having regard to the conclusions of the European Council of 9 and 10 December 2011,  - having regard to the statement of the Euro Area Heads of State and Government of 9December 2011,  - having regard to the "Six-Pack" and the two Commission propo...
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Publication |

Electric mobility

. Unlike the power sector, the transport sector is still almost completely dependent on oil as a source of energy. A shift towards a sustainable transport system must be a priority for the EU if we want to reach our emission reduction targets for 2050.
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News |

Strasbourg Flash

Greens/EFA priorities for the first session of the second half of the parliamentary term will include the debates on the economic crisis and treaty response, the political situation in Hungary and the initiation of an infringement procedure under Art.7 as well as the reports on waste electrical equipment, biocides and food wastage
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Video |

EU-India Free Trade Agrement