Our parliamentary work

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Press release |

Financial transactions tax

The European Parliament today voted to endorse proposals to introduce an EU financial transaction tax (FTT). The proposals require the unanimous support of EU governments to enter into force. The Greens have long advocated the introduction of an FTT and welcomed the outcome of the vote, with finance...
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Press release |

Bluefin tuna

The European Parliament today adopted new legislation, implementing internationally-agreed rules on bluefin tuna fishing (1). The Greens expressed regret that the legislation merely implements the international standards and fails to adopt more ambitious measures to truly tackle the critical status ...
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Press release |

EU summit/Euro crisis

Ahead of this evening's informal summit of EU heads of state and government, the Greens/EFA group in the European Parliament presented its proposals for an alternative Euro crisis response: a Green Investment Pact for economic and fiscal stability. Presenting the proposals, Greens/EFA co-presidents ...
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News |

European Parliament will listen to Citizens

The European Parliament decided to change its Rules of Procedure and introduce mandatory hearings for successful European Citizens’ Initiatives. The new regulation will ensure that Europe keeps its ears open towards active citizens.
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Video |

Democracy and Football in Ukraine: The case of Yulia Tymoshenko

Greens/EFA Co-President Rebecca Harms welcomes that the case of Yulia Tymoshenko is finally being debated in an appropriate way, but urges the EU to go further and impose a political boycott of not just the football tournament, but of the Ukrainian President as well.
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Video |

Green Economy

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EFA logo
EFA logo
Press release |

Dialogue for peace in northern Mali

Corsican MEP François Alfonsi has welcomed an initial dialogue between Malian officials and representatives of the Touareg movement at the European Parliament. On the 22 May during a conference at the European Parliament in Strasbourg, the Corsican MEP invited representatives of the Touareg movemen...
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News |

Durban Platform - first discussions in Bonn

The second and final week of the climate discussions in Bonn, Germany, has just started. The Greens want the EU to do its utmost to ensure that the new alliance delivers and that we avoid what some call the BAU scenario – Bonn As Usual....
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Press release |

European Parliament transparency

The European Parliament's bureau (1) last night voted to overturn the essence of provisions in the MEP code of conduct aimed at ensuring full transparency when MEPs accept gifts in the form of travel, accommodation and subsistence expenses from third parties. The outcome, which was determined by a c...
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News |

Think Biodiversity

The United Nations proclaimed today, the 22nd May, the International Day for Biological Diversity to increase understanding and awareness of biodiversity issues. In the 20 years since the Rio Earth Summit, much remains to be done to preserve our natural capital. That is why Greens/EFA MEPs have...