Our parliamentary work

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IT Security

Intellectual property rights infringements are not related to network stability and internet security issues. While the European Parliament in Strasbourg voted in favour of a report from MEP Ivailo Kalfin (S&D, Bulgaria), aimed at strengthening the security and resilience of vital informati...
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News |

Greek Health Crisis

Healthcare in Greece has reached a crisis point. Its organisation and delivery has been rendered almost impossible. As treatment in public hospitals has shot up due to the crisis, spending and staff levels have been slashed. The supply of life-saving drugs to the Greek market has been ...
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Video |

Scheme of generalised tariff preferences

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Press release |

Schengen and border controls

The European Parliament’s civil liberties committee this evening voted on two key legislative files related to the EU’s Schengen border-free system, one related to the reintroduction of border controls (Weber report) and one on the evaluation of Schengen (Coehlo report). The votes come after las...
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Strasbourg Flash

Greens/EFA priorities for next week's Strasbourg Plenary include border controls and preserving Schengen, preferential trade for poor countries, Eurozone economic governance, regulating the global arms trade, illegal Israeli settlements, own resources and the EU budget, safer baby food through EU rules, fixing EU fisheries, Energy saving …
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Press release |


With the European football championships starting today, amidst persisting concerns about the political and rights situation in Ukraine, Green MEPs are seeking to draw attention to the ongoing problems in the country. Greens/EFA co-president Rebecca Harms and foreign affairs spokesperson Werner Schu...
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Video |

50 reasons to reject ACTA

With the European Parliament set to decide on the fate of the controversial ACTA anti-counterfeiting agreement, Green MEPs set out the reasons why they believe the parliament should vote to withhold its consent and reject the agreement. With your help we have put together 50 reasons to reject ACTA. See the video and join the anti-ACTA…
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EFA logo
EFA logo
Press release |

UK failing on animal testing law

Plaid MEP Jill Evans has written to the Home Office to express her concerns about the UK Government's statement on how they will implement European rules on animal testing. Ms Evans, who helped draft the European Directive on Animal Testing, has said that the UK has failed in two key areas. Firstly ...
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Press release |

Border controls and Schengen

EU home affairs ministers today decided their position on two key legislative proposals concerning the EU's border-free Schengen system. The Greens hit out at the decisions, which would undermine the essence of Schengen by making the reimposition of border controls and evaluation of Schengen a natio...
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Press release |

EU mortgage rules

The European Parliament's economic affairs committee today voted on draft EU legislation on mortgages (CARRP - credit agreements relating to residential property). The Greens welcomed the strengthening of proposals in a number of areas but regretted the failure to properly address the macroeconomic ...