Our parliamentary work

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Press release |

EU rail reform

A deal between the European Parliament and Council on legislation revising EU rules on the regulation of the rail sector was approved yesterday by EU member states (1). Commenting on the deal on the recast of the first rail package, Green transport spokesperson Michael Cramer said: "This deal i...
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Video |

Reindustrialising Europe the GREEN way

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News |

Shale Gas

As a report in the Environment committee on the environmental impacts of shale gas makes it way through the European Parliament, two other committees, Development and Legal Affairs, voted on their own opinions on the report today. In both cases, Green MEPs drafted the opinions and negotiated them th...
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Press release |

Credit rating agencies

The EU Parliament's economic affairs committee today voted on draft legislation revising EU rules on credit rating agencies. The Greens welcomed the move to increase the transparency and comprehensibility of the ratings system - notably by complementing the current letter-based with a number-based ...
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Press release |

Shale Gas

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Press release |

CAP reform

The European Parliament agriculture committee today concluded its initial debate on 4 key legislative proposals aimed at reforming the EU's Common Agricultural Policy. The Greens believe the CAP needs a radical overhaul to promote sustainable farming and food systems, instead of subsidising intensiv...
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Press release |

Oversize trucks

The EP is set to challenge a controversial decision by EU transport Commissioner Siim Kallas to push forward with proposals to reverse current EU policy on heavier and longer trucks (Directive 96/53/EC) without involving the European Parliament and Council as co-legislators. The Commissioner wants t...
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Press release |

Greek elections

Commenting on the outcome of the Greek legislative elections, Greens/EFA co-presidents Dany Cohn-Bendit and Rebecca Harms stated: “This election result has brought some breathing space for Greece and the Eurozone. After presiding over Greece's economic descent, Nia Democratia and PASOK must now ac...
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Press release |

Nuclear - Japan

Commenting on the decision by Japanese prime minister Yoshihiko Noda to restart two nuclear reactors at the Oi power plant in Fukui prefecture, Greens/EFA co-president Rebecca Harms said: "Today's decision shows the Japanese government has failed to learn the lessons from Fukushima. The decisio...
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News |

Brussels agenda

Greens/EFA priorities for the week include the debate on the agricultural policy reform and the vote on ACTA in the committee on international trade. Other highlights are the EU Council on the Euro crisis and the committee vote on rules on credit rating agencies