Our parliamentary work

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EFA logo
EFA logo
Press release |

EU urged to press for u-turn over 'barbarous' Mugabe

The European Union is being urged to put pressure on United Nations tourism chiefs to rethink their appointment of one of the world’s most brutal dictators as an international envoy. Scottish MEP Alyn Smith has written to EU Foreign Affairs High Representative Baroness Ashton asking her to formall...
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News |

Politics begin at home

The Environment Committee this morning voted in favour of strenghtening the Commission's proposal on monitoring and reporting of greenhouse gas emissions. The legislation aims to increase transparency and reliability of data, which in turn should aid implementation of existing rules and development of new policies.
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Press release |

EU economic governance

The European Commission today presented a package of measures on fiscal and economic reforms across the EU. The Greens expressed disappointment that, despite continuing deterioration in the economic fundamentals, the Commission has failed to propose a proper change in the direction of the EU's crisi...
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Press release |

EU asylum policy

The European Commission today proposed changes to EURODAC, the European database on asylum seekers, to allow national law enforcement authorities - like the police - to access an EU databank with fingerprints. The Greens criticised the proposals and the manner in which they were presented, with Gree...
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Video |

Equal pay for equal work

Equal pay for equal work is a basic principle in the EU. Despite this, women continue to earn less than men. Equal Pay was in the Treaty since Rome in 1957 and we have EU legislation since 1975, yet the pay gap still exists,
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News |

Greens/EFA Round-up

Greens/EFA priorities for the plenary session included shifting the focus from austerity in the Euro crisis, bluefin tuna on the brink, balancing trade with China, rights and democracy in Ukraine, taxing financial transactions, equal pay for equal work, resource efficiency,...
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News |

Brussels Agenda

Highlights of the week for the Greens/EFA include rejecting ACTA, EU data protection rules, keeping track of the EU's climate change efforts, EU project bonds to boost investments, promoting rail transport, encouraging investment in start-ups and social enterprises,...
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Press release |


EP Sakharov Prize winner Leyla Zana was yesterday sentenced to ten years in prison by the Diyarbakır 5th High Criminal Court, in Turkey. The charges against her are nine previously held speeches (including in the European parliament) and for allegedly having close links to a "terrorist organiz...
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News |

Resource efficiency

Yesterday the Parliament voted on a report on resource efficiency. The Greens welcomes Parliament's decision to strengthen some key aspects of the Commission's proposal through concrete measures and clear targets for resource use.
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News |

Equal pay for equal work!

Equal pay for equal work has been one of the most basic principals of the European Community since its foundation in 1957.  However, despite legislation, women continue to earn less than men. On average women needed to work until 2nd March in order to earn as much as men had earned the year bef...