Our parliamentary work

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Press release |

EU bank capital rules (CRD)

The European Parliament's economic and monetary affairs committee today voted on new draft EU banking legislation, dealing with capital levels and other prudential measures (the Capital Requirements Directive IV). The Greens welcomed the outcome of the vote, which would strengthen the proposals, wit...
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News |

Brussels Agenda

Highlights of the week for the Greens/EFA include reducing risk in EU banks, strenghtening EU economic governance, our conference on reindustrialising Europe,...
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Video |

No patents on life forms

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News |

50 reasons to reject ACTA

The vote of the European Parliament will be decisive for the future of ACTA. Discussions are currently taking place. We believe it is essential to survey the various fields and sectors impacted by ACTA.
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EFA logo
EFA logo
Press release |

More than sixty former MEPs back Basque peace process

More than sixty former MEPs are backing the Aiete Declaration which seeks a peaceful resolution to the armed conflict in the Basque Country. The declaration and a list of first signatories amongst former MEPs was published following a press conference in Brussels this morning. Taking part were curre...
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Press release |


The European Parliament today adopted a resolution calling on the European Patent Office and the European Commission to ensure European legislation prohibiting the patenting of plant or animal breeding is respected. Speaking after the vote, Green MEP and agriculture spokesperson Martin Häusling sai...
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Press release |

EU budget discharge

The European Parliament today voted on the discharge of the EU budget for 2010, with MEPs voting to withhold giving clearance to the budgets of certain EU agencies and the EU Council's budget (1). Commenting on the outcome, and the decision to refuse to discharge the budgets of the European Food Saf...
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News |

Stop Climate Change Newsletter

In this month's newsletter : international climate objectives, the battle against shale gas in Europe continues, EED - EU states prefer to listen to fossil fuel exporters rather than their own citizens
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News |

Stop climate change blog

Early this week, informal discussions took place in Brussels with Members of the "coalition of ambition" ahead of UN talks in Bonn. The Greens insist that Europe give concrete expression to this new alliance with least developped countries and that it continues to lead the climate debate forward...
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Press release |

EU agencies - conflicts of interest

The chair of the European Food Safety Agency (EFSA) management board Diána Bánáti has resigned from her position (1) following pressure from the European Parliament, and the Greens in particular, over conflicts of interest. Tomorrow, the European Parliament will vote on the EU 2010 budget dischar...