Our parliamentary work

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News |

Good Food, Good Farming

For the first time, the reform of the European Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) will be decided by both the European Parliament and national Governments. The debate is going on right now which is why hundreds of civil society activists and groups arrived in Brussels today to demand that the CAP deli...
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Press release |

Shale gas and fracking

The European Parliament's environment today adopted a report setting out its opinion on shale gas (1), notably as regards the health and environment concerns and need for EU regulation. The Greens welcomed the outcome of the vote, which called for caution, notably a ban in sensitive areas, and under...
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Press release |

Boardroom quotas for women

In an open letter to Commission president Barroso and vice-president Reding today (1), the Greens urged the Commission to publish planned legislation introducing boardroom quotas for women as soon as possible. The Greens criticised the initiative by a group of EU member state governments seeking to ...
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Video |

Good food march

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Video |


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News |

Shale Gas

Shale gas and fracking pose a direct and immediate threat to our drinking water, air, health, local communities and our climate. While the oil and gas industry try to convince the public and policy makers that the risks can be managed, we - the Greens/EFA group, the European Green Party, Friends of the Earth Europe, Food and Water Europe …
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Press release |

Accounting transparency

Crucial new draft EU legislation on accounting and transparency was voted on by the legal affairs committee in the European Parliament today (1). The Greens welcomed the support of MEPs for greater transparency on companies' activities, notably for project reporting and on payments to governments, ...
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Video |

Shale Gas

Shale gas is now presented as being the new solution to our world's growing energy needs. However, its production poses serious threats to the climate, the environment and to local communities. Greens call for a immediate ban on fracking and shale gas in Europe... and beyond.
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News |

Stop Climate Change Blog

This week the European Parliament’s Industry Committee and Environment Committee will vote on reports on the ‘industrial, energy and other aspects of shale gas and oil’ and on the ‘environmental impacts of shale gas and shale oil extraction activities’ respectively. The backstage battle around the two reports is fierce...
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Publication |

Reform of the European Agricultural Policy

The new CAP must be fair, green, young, democratic, healthy and easy, - or it will not be. European farmers and citizens are rediscovering the value of food and the values of solidarity. This requires organising sustainable farm and food networks and citizens’ initiatives. CAP reform is NOW - or never.