Our parliamentary work

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Video |

EFA visit to the Amari Refugees Camp

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Video |

Efa visit to the West Bank and East Jerusalem

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Video |

Efa visit to the West Bank and East Jerusalem

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Video |

Efa visit to the West Bank and East Jerusalem

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News |

The Crisis and Beyond

Green MEPs met with their national parliament counterparts on Tuesday for a frank discussion on the Green way out of the crisis. With representatives from 13 different countries, both with and without Green MEPs and with members in Government and in opposition, the great variety in the nature...
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Press release |


The European Commission today presented its 2nd regulatory review on nanomaterials in response to a demand from the European Parliament (1). The Greens criticised the failure to commit to proper EU regulation in spite of clear deficiencies underlined by the European Parliament in reviews of existing...
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News |

Climate campaign newsletter

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News |

New study questions safety of GMOs for human and animal health

A new scientific paper, published in the peer reviewed Food and Chemical Toxicology journal ”Long term toxicity of a Roundup herbicide and a Roundup-tolerant genetically modified maize”, by Séralini et al. details a number of disturbing health findings that show how entirely inadequate industry...
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Video |

The wall and Hebron

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Video |

The wall and Hebron