Our parliamentary work

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Press release |

Tax avoidance/Greece

Co-presidents of the Greens/EFA group Rebecca Harms and Dany Cohn-Bendit today wrote to EU Council president Van Rompuy and Commission president Barroso urging swift action on tax evasion in the context of the deteriorating economic situation in Greece (1). The letter calls for the forthcoming EU su...
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News |

Feminicide has reached "alarming proportions"

UN Special Rapporteur Rashida Manjoo honours a terrible fact in her latest report "Gender-related killings of women": more and more women are killed around the world, just because they are women. The vast majority of these crimes take place with absolute impunity, which many observers con...
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News |

Human rights in Mexico Diary

Saturday 6th October "Migrant Hub" A large number of people are migrating from Central American countries to the USA due to the catastrophic situation in their home countries. One possibility to cross Mexico is to jump on cargo trains. In the North of Mexico City many railroads converge ...
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News |

Move along, nothing to see

No surprise: the EFSA opinion, published without any clearly identified author, trashes Séralini et al’s work. The criticism of the study seems no more than a "cut and paste" from the biotech industry arguments.
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News |

Brussels agenda

Greens/EFA priorities for the week include the committee votes on EU budget and future financing 2014-20, regulating offshore oil and gas exploration, keeping track of greenhouse gas emissions, nuclear safety and cooperation with other countries, tackling insider dealing and market manipulation, animal transport and welfare
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Video |

EU nuclear stress test exercise shows no lessons learned from Fukushima

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News |

GMO contaminated honey

In the midst of a new controversy about the health effects of GMOs, the EU Commission is attempting to market-GMO contaminated honey without any information to the consumers
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Press release |

EU budget 2013

The European Parliament's budget committee voted today on its position for the 2013 EU budget. The Greens welcomed the vote, which counters the position by EU governments in Council to arbitrarily cut the draft budget proposed by the European Commission. Commenting after the vote, Green budgetary sp...
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Video |

EFA visit to the Amari Refugees Camp

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Video |

Visita ao campo de refuxiados de Amari (Ramala).