Our parliamentary work

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Video |

The wall and Hebron

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Press release |

Banking sector reform

Commenting on the report of the European Commission's high-level group on bank structural reform (the Liikanen report), Green finance spokesperson Philippe Lamberts stated: "This report outlines a number of important proposals that would contribute to the overdue reform of the banking sector. H...
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Press release |

Nuclear stress tests

The final report of the disputed EU nuclear stress tests, proposed by the European Commission in the aftermath of the Fukushima disaster, is expected to be adopted by the Commission tomorrow. Leaked drafts of the stress tests confirm that large numbers of nuclear reactors in Europe are deficient in ...
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News |

Brussels agenda

Greens/EFA priorities for the week include the EU budget for 2013, dodgy Nuclear stress tests, Nanomaterials, GMO health risks and discussions on the future of Europe.
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Press release |

Financial markets and products (MiFID)

The EP's economic and monetary affairs committee voted on important legislative proposals on the regulation of the market for financial instruments (MIFID) yesterday evening. While MEPs took tentative steps to strengthening proposals on high frequency trading and commodity speculation, the Greens ar...
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Publication |

Islands of resilience

Locale is rapidly becoming one of the most important competitive differentiators in the provision of cloud-based information technology services. Broadly speaking, three categories of issues define a locale's fitness for hosting the cloud: energy, connectivity, and jurisdiction. Energy is the larges...
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News |

Sakharov Prize 2012

The Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought was set up in 1988 and is awarded each year by the European Parliament. The prize is awarded for a particular achievement in one of the following fields: defence of human rights and fundamental freedoms, particularly the right to free expression;safegua...
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News |


Demonstations continued in Georgia today as hundreds gathered in Tbilisi to protest prison abuse that has taken place under President Mikheil Saakashvili. The protests were sparked by video footage of Georgian prison guards brutally beating and abusing inmates. The European Parliament has previ...
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Press release |


Zu den aktuellen Straßenprotesten in Georgien, ausgelöst von im Fernsehen gezeigten Beweisen für die vorherrschende Brutalität gegen Insassen georgischer Gefängnisse, erklärt Ulrike Lunacek, außenpolitische Sprecherin der Grünen/EFA-Fraktion und Mitglied der Süd-Kaukasus-Delegation des Euro...
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News |

Brussels agenda

Greens/EFA priorities for the week include the presentation of Sakharov prize candidates, regulating financial markets and limiting commodity speculation, budget problems in EU agencies, air pollution and EU regulation, ICT possibilities and the case of Iceland, nanomaterial registers and transparency, the Commission brought to court, tac…