Our parliamentary work

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News |

Cohesion Fund

The Cohesion fund for the next programming period 2014 – 2020 was voted on by MEPs today. Although containing weaknesses in places, the outcome was a definite step forward with provisions the group had pushed for throughout the process. After the vote, Greek Green Nikos Chrysogelos, Mep of the ...
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Press release |

Investment products

The European Parliament today voted on new legislation on key information documents for investment products (PRIPS). The new rules would ensure compulsory information on products like structured bonds, private pension funds, insurance investment funds and corporate bonds. The proposal has now to be ...
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Press release |

Social funding

The European Parliament today voted to approve a proposal from the Commission on new financial allocations for certain member states under the European Social Fund (ESF) for the current period. The proposal would see additional funds for action on unemployment exclusively allocated to France, Spain ...
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Press release |

European Parliament seat

The European Parliament today voted with an overwhelming majority to adopt a report on the location of the European Parliament's seats, co-drafted by Green MEP Gerald Häfner (1). Crucially, the report calls for the European Parliament to use its powers to initiate a procedure to change the current ...
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Press release |

Women in management

A legislative proposal aimed at introducing binding legislation to increase the share of women on company boards was today endorsed by the European Parliament. The vote coincides with moves in Germany to introduce binding rules on the same issue and raises hopes for concluding EU legislation. Commen...
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Press release |

CAP reform

The European Parliament today voted to confirm an agreement on the legislative proposals aimed at reforming the EU's Common Agricultural Policy. The Greens strongly criticised the outcome, which is much worse than the position voted by the EP earlier in the year, and will fail to provide for the fun...
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Video |

Common provisions on European funds

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News |

“Europe for citizens”

The European Parliament adopted on 19 November 2013 the new “Europe for Citizens” programme, aimed at improving EU citizens' knowledge of the EU and its history. The programme will support activities such as public conferences, targeted at fostering remembrance of the EU's past and increasing debate and citizens' interest and involvement …
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Publication |

Qatar - situation of migrant workers

Tabled by Barbara Lochbihler, Jean Lambert, Nicole Kiil-Nielsen, Raül Romeva i Rueda on behalf of the Greens/EFA  Group The European Parliament, - having regard to its resolution of 24 March 2011 on European Union relations with the Gulf Cooperation Council - having regard to the EU-GCC Joint...
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Publication |

Fair justice in Bolivia, notably the cases of Elód Tóásó and Mario Tadic

Tabled by Barbara Lochbihler, Nicole Kiil-Nielsen, Raül Romeva i Rueda, Franziska Keller, Jean Lambert, Iñaki Irazabalbeitia Fernández on behalf of the Greens/EFA Group The European Parliament, - having regard its previous resolutions on the situation in Bolivia - having regard to the Univer...