Our parliamentary work

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Press release |

Posted workers rules

EU employment and social affairs ministers today agreed a common position on draft proposals on the enforcement of EU rules on posted workers. After months of deadlock, negotiations between the European Parliament, Council and Commission can finally start, with the EP's employment and social affairs...
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One of the key food related items on the agenda of the plenary of the European Parliament this week is the vote on the report on Deep Sea Fishing in the North-East Atlantic. The biological characteristics of deep-sea species and the specific features of deep marine ecosystems make them particular...
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Deep sea fishing

New EU rules governing deep sea fishing will be voted by the European Parliament this week. The Greens believe a priority for these rules must be the phasing-out destructive bottom trawling and gillnets. This image shows the devastating consequences of bottom trawling on the North Atlantic seabe...
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Strasbourg Flash

Greens/EFA priorities for the Strasbourg Plenary include - Protecting migrants' lives in Mediterranean, Reforming EU fisheries policy, Deep sea fishing and destructive trawling, EU-Morocco fisheries and Western Sahara, Ukraine: democratic danger and EU perspective, Repairing the emissions trading scheme, Mortgages - EU rules under review,…
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Video |

Questions and Answers session

Are you interested in politics or Europe or both and always wanted to talk directly to a member of the European Parliament? But you think that they are sitting too far away in Brussels and it is difficult to get in touch with them as a member of the deaf and hard of hearing communities? Well, they're not as far as you might think! The …
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Press release |

Border and migration policy

The European Commission today presented proposals on the new EU 'Mediterranean Taskforce', which was established in response to the latest refugee disaster off the coast of Lampedusa. Commenting on the proposals, Green migration policy spokesperson Ska Keller said: "This Taskforce shows the Co...
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Video |

The green corner

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Video |

Philosophy, accessibility project, climate & Q&A hour

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Press release |


In response to the situation in Ukraine and the police crackdown against democratic pro-EU demonstrations in Kiev, the Greens/EFA group is calling for a European Parliament debate at next week’s plenary session in Strasbourg, as well as a special EP delegation to be sent to Kiev. Commenting on the...
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News |

Saving migrants lives at sea

The European Border Surveillance system (EUROSUR) becomes operational today. The system was finalised earlier this year, just ahead of the latest major tragic losses of life of migrants in the Mediterranean, off the coast of Lampedusa. While the system also includes provisions to ensure authorities ...