Our parliamentary work

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Press release |

European Investigation Order

Negotiators from the European Parliament and Council this evening reached agreement on new EU legislation setting up the European Investigation Order: a standard form allowing cross-border investigations to obtain evidence. The Greens described the outcome as an acceptable compromise, with home affa...
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News |

Public Eye Awards 2014

The Public Eye Awards call on people all over the world to choose the worst case of offences against the environment and human rights. Syngenta, Bayer and BASF are being nominated for their role in the mass-killing of bees and other essential insect pollinators ...
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Press release |

Illegal fishing

The European Commission today announced that it is blacklisting three countries for illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU): Belize, Cambodia and Guinea (1). This is the first time this EU mechanism has been used. The Commission also issued warnings to a further three countries - South Korea, Ghan...
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News |

Tuna Conservation

The annual meeting of ICCAT, the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas, got under way yesterday in Cape Town, South Africa. Among the hottest topics on the agenda will be the bluefin tuna, famed for its importance in sushi and other dishes as well as the extent of the "fishing frenzy" to catch it.
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News |

Youth at the UN Climate talks

The COP19 negotiations have come to an end and do have barely produced any concrete outcome. Only one thing is crystal clear - the importance of young people as a key partner during the climate negotiations.
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Press release |


Commenting on the successful outcome of the latest talks in Geneva on Iran's nuclear programme, Green MEP and chair of the European Parliament's Iran delegation, MEP Tarja Cronberg said: "This agreement is a major diplomatic success in a situation where mutual distrust has lasted for decades a...
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Press release |

Seal fur trade ban

The World Trade Organisation today issued its final panel report rejecting the challenge by Canada and Norway of the EU’s ban on the trade in seal products. The Greens welcomed the outcome, notably the justification of the EU ban on moral grounds. Reacting to the report, Green MEP Carl Schlyter (...
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Press release |

Tax avoidance and competition

The European Commission today presented proposals to revise the EU's parent-subsidiary directive, with a view to closing loopholes in the legislation, which facilitate corporate tax avoidance. The Greens welcomed the proposals but cautioned on the need to ensure a broader approach to properly addres...
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Press release |

UN climate talks

Commenting on the outcome of the UN climate change summit in Warsaw (COP19, Green climate change spokesperson Bas Eickhout (MEP, NL) stated: “The fraught negotiations in Warsaw failed to clearly set out the path for an international climate deal in 2015. Instead of taking steps forward, countries ...
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Video |

COP 19 - Stop climate madness! - ACTION