Our parliamentary work

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Announcement Conference on COP 19

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Press release |

Social funds

The European Parliament's regional development committee today voted to approve a proposal from the Commission on new financial allocations for certain member states under the European Social Fund (ESF) for the current period. The proposal would see additional funds for action on unemployment exclus...
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Travel diary - Rebecca Harms, Greens/EFA Co-President's visit to Eastern Europe

What an intense week: Warsaw, Katowice, Prague, Paks and Budapest. Many wonderful encounters, interesting conversations and events. In all three countries I visited during my Central Europe tour (27th to 31st October) I met committed, highly motivated Greens. They are the ones we need in these decis...
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Press release |

GMO authorisations

The European Commission has today proposed authorising the cultivation of a new variety of genetically modified maize (1507, marketed as Herculex outside the EU) in the EU, which would be first GM maize to be approved in 15 years. The Greens have raised major concerns with the proposed authorisation...
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Press release |

Lobbying transparency

The Greens have called for the resignation of the chairman of the working group set up to reform the European Parliament's transparency register for lobbyists (1) following revelations that the chairman, EP vice-president Rainer Wieland, is himself engaged in lobbying activities in Brussels. The gro...
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Commission lets GMOs loose

Only a few months before being replaced, it seems that the EU Commission has decided to impose new GMOs on to its citizens who by and large do not want them.Tomorrow, on the 6th November, Commissioner for Health and Consumers, Tonio Borg, will propose 3 devastating measures to his fellow Commissi...
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Press release |

Energy subsidies

The European Commission is set to present a report today on the situation with regard to public subsidies for energy in Europe. The Greens hit out at the intervention by EU energy commissioner Oettinger to change the Commission’s own findings, with a few to masking the level of aid received by nuc...
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Press release |

Plastic waste and bags

The European Commission today presented proposals to amend existing EU legislation on plastic waste with a view to reducing the use of lightweight plastic bags. Commenting on the proposals, Green environment spokesperson Margrete Auken (MEP, Denmark) said: "While a European approach to reducing...
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Video |

Join the Food Revolution

It is time for food policies to reflect people's concerns. Join the Food Revolution now and share your examples of good practice and experiences with a wide range of people all over Europe.