Our parliamentary work

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Press release |

Azerbaijan elections

The European Parliament's foreign affairs committee yesterday discussed the findings and conclusions of the EP's election observation mission of the recent presidential elections in Azerbaijan. The Greens/EFA group is seriously critical of the official report of the mission. Commenting on the situat...
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News |

Join the Food Revolution

As part of World Food Day, the Greens/EFA group launched a new campaigning project called 'Join the Food Revolution'. Personal engagement and participative democracy are key in determining and improving food policies throughout Europe. Thanks to the 'Join the Food Revolution'...
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Press release |


The presidents of the political groups in the European Parliament today discussed the situation in Ukraine following the report of the EP delegation of Pat Cox and Alexander Kwasniewski to Ukraine. The report comes just weeks ahead of a summit in Vilnius at which the association agreement between th...
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GMO Court Case

The very good news from last week was the decision of the Federal Tribunal of Mexico to suspend all authorisations for growing GMO maize. On the 10th of October, the federal judge of the 12th Federal District Court for Civil Matters of Mexico City ordered Mexico’s Secretary of Agriculture (SAGA...
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Press release |

Energy subsidies

The European Commission is set to present a report on the situation with regard to state aid for energy in Europe. Ahead of the presentation, the Greens have expressed concern about reported pressure from EU energy commissioner Oettinger to change the Commission’s own findings, to play down the le...
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Press release |

European Parliament seat

The European Parliament's constitutional affairs committee today voted with a strong majority to adopt a report on the location of the European Parliament's seats, co-drafted by Green MEP Gerald Häfner (1). After the vote, Gerald Häfner said: “This report is an important step towards resolving t...
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Press release |

Car CO2 emissions

EU environment ministers today decided to overturn an agreement already reached between the European Parliament and Council on CO2 emissions limits for vehicles for 2020. A legislative agreement had been reached to implement a fleet average for car CO2 emissions of 95g of CO2 per km by 2020 but the ...
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Press release |

Boardroom quota for women

A legislative proposal aimed at introducing binding legislation to increase the share of women on company boards was today endorsed by MEPs in a joint vote by the two responsible parliamentary committees: women's rights and legal affairs. Commenting after the vote, Green equality spokesperson Marij...
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News |

Greens/EFA Round-up

Greens/EFA priorities for the Strasbourg Plenary included EU food rules, tobacco rules and lobbying, shale gas and environmental assessment, flight times and safety, Syrian refugee crisis, right-wing extremism on the rise, EU borders and migrant protection, CIA human rights abuses in Europe, secret data surveillance and SWIFT, Roma discri…
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News |

Brussels Agenda

Greens/EFA priorities for the week include Boardroom quotas for women, European Parliament - ending the multi-seat operation, Rules governing EU funds, Cloud computing: an opportunity for Europe? Product safety for consumers, EU car emissions rules in the balance, World Food Day – Green campaign launch